Introduce:The word says because traffic accident dies,my uncle is, and a nuisance that the head that I die in him headaches a day night.
The following day he had an accident in the morning, the still has my mother's brother wife's younger brother that has an accident together.
At that time my uncle is fracture only, and his wife's younger brother on the spot insensible past, wait for the other people is busy when sending a hospital rescue he went, and if my uncle still said a long time with kin.
He is washed-up after half hour nevertheless, the discovery after turning to prefectural hospital next is Pi dirty massive haemorrhage, had winded a day feebly.
Alas the uncle that I have pity on ~ , the door answers after he is dead that day in the evening, a piece of table and a sweet oil lamp were put in central room, a few dish and goblet bowl chopsticks were placed on the table, still have a bowl of meal.
A ripe egg is put in the meal, the egg is erect rise, a pair of chopsticks were inserted above, we here say to touch the pillow meal.
Next by die the person's cornstalk wraps around to the front of grave one dies the person's dress, the route that takes by the place when bury makes die the person's name.
After coming back then, eat die the person's meal.
Because I am afraid of to these feeling, chat in the room with someone else so.
And my father is the sort of person with older courage, if the lamp destroys,he often says the person is dead, of it doesn't matter alarming, go up late that day as a result he is being frightened.
He is a person wants to wait for me in central room big cousin come back, when me as a result big cousin should arrive home when, the gate that attack by surprise wears is abrupt of Zhi opened small seam, seeming is like what thing came in.
At the same time he feels balm lamp is flickering, he what frighten at that time ran to our room to come rapidly.
After about one minute, my cousin arrived home.
That day there is not what gale in the evening, and small wind blows this kind of entrance door that does not use our home at all.
My father mentions this thing Dou Han to wear every time ~~~9346