Introduce:Since me in malic garden experience arrives after cicada fetch, I and Wang Mou also dare not go there again catch cicada aurelian (common saying: Climb Zha) , in the summer that leaving one year then, we two always go catching cicada in the woods of village north head aurelian.
The area ratio of that one woods is older, have 229 mus of land about, just inside have ten grave, shade gas is heavier in the evening, the thing that after going in, always feels a little sordid is in follow you, let you felt to be pricked on the back by awn general.
The cicada over there is fortunately aurelian more, arrived in the evening, go there catch cicada aurelian villager is very much also, quite a little bustling lively, even if again coward should go in only also won't cowardly.
One day in the evening, just had issued a spit, I and Wang Mou go together village north head catchs cicada in that woods aurelian.
Perhaps be the matter that just had left rain, see only black embezzle of boundless and indistinct dim light of night everything in the woods, let a person become goggle blind, if be in as one used to do this accession, the villager people the ray of flashlight can enlighten here as daytime.
We two pleasedded a little while in woods edge care, think of to just had issued rain, the cicada that climbs is aurelian regular meeting than usual much, and cicada is caught in whole grove again without someone else aurelian, we two affirmation can be caught than usual much, think of here, we two big courage entered the woods in.
What we think no less than is same, the cicada in the woods is aurelian particularly much, 34 can be caught on some trees.
Catch to the top of one's bent in me when cicada is aurelian, hear suddenly be apart from my nearby Wang Mou to seem to talking with others, and his look always is staring at my back face, resembling is with him talker is behind me the area is general.
At this moment I also feel back face chilly, be like have the thing with nasty what, with respect to the face back face of shake with fear look goes, after meeting a body only of pitch-dark, do not have a person at all.
Error blamed! He is not talking with me, can you be with who talking? is he to be in mutter? The whisper makes continuously in my heart, also not dare privately leaves in the woods, fear Wang Mou jest I am recreant, be obliged toughen one's scalp-brace oneself catchs cicada aurelian.
Catch when 11 o'clock, we are filled in two taken large bottle full (have 559 about) cicada is aurelian, also do not install again fell, just agree to stop.
At this moment I remember him " mutter " from language, can't help asking him: "With who did you a moment ago talk again? " his look is staring at me questioningly to say: "I am talking with Li Mou, li Mou asks about him the family member's how things stand to me, I told him the produces recently thing in his home, he just leaves us, among Chao Shulin go in that one cemetery.
" ask me again then: "Li Mou follows in your back face all the time, didn't you see him? " if hearing him, I was stupefied at a draught, li Mou is us14262