Introduce:Write down so that there is a beggar in the town in one's childhood, also do not know who gives what he takes to be called Zhang Miao auspicious, he has fall of some of mad mad bump, scold over to air all the day, taking a tree every day, still like to lay a person.
Classes are over this day midday, discover Na Zhangmiao auspicious the thing that collecting the ground to go up then takes, the edge eats to still be scolded there, often the tree in still taking a hand raise will want to become dozen of state.
We course of a few dot feels he makes run again, also mind not strange, abrupt, he looked a few times toward us, took a tree to us a few one therein is hit, ache so that that child cried, he is paid no attention to however scold in that.
The uprear on our horse that child, be afraid of a bit be afraid of look at him, he is being scolded viewed the past suddenly toward another child again, raise a tree be about to hit, that child reaction scattered a foot quickly to run, we also ran a few times accordingly, although he is bigger than us, but did not chase after so that cross us however, running not to see him from the back, we just stopped, after shout wears everybody, see he hides remote speck.
From the back we came home a few times severally, afternoon when also give this job forgot.
Classes are over afternoon, because feel to be warm we swim with respect to the plan, often go in those days, the likelihood is little, learn thing express, swim basic nobody teachs go to school to meet.
We a few dot troop again go swimming, who to bet to swim far in those days, swam for face severally, as a result I swim a little while tired swam, and that within an inch of by Zhang Miao auspicious hit child went swimming very far, still laughing to be hit with us enrol.
Discover other disappeared suddenly next, we think he is diving, breath out Ha Xiao's chatting in that all the time, but time became long just discover that fellow did not come up all the time, we were frightened jump, went searching to adult comes over or cannot be found finally, and we were scolded a few times dog blood drenchs first.
Passed two days, the body of the child that disappears then appears in river side, we were written down by the school the serious offence comes home to be scolded even, should fill as to the otherwise in the home taste me not to know.
Time passes very quickly, spent some of day again, although we lost a classmate, but a few people or very those who be close friends playing, just go rarely by the side of the river.
This day classeses are over, we see Zhang Miao again auspicious in that be foul-mouthed, take a family doorway when, there is a carline to sit in the doorway over there, na Zhangmiao auspicious do not know how the tree in taking a hand run over to hit, just ran to the half, that family has the person discovers year of classics early, ran to check he, make old woman slow urgently into hut next, run to guard a gate to close tightened, we a few people are frightened so that run, do not have two days, discover that family is handling funeral arrangement, walk into look, so that day by14505