Introduce:A marriageable woman the late night comes home, alertly rearward of a man always follows her, marriageable woman body becomes aware bad, quicken a pace through garden of a grave finally, go in past graveyard caboodle, (that male also followed the past) next that marriageable woman sits on gravestone to be spat deeply at a heat, say: "Arrived home eventually ~ ! " that male frighten ran! One of these day late night, this marriageable woman comes home alone again, through last after quick-witted escape from a danger, very admiring to oneself, if come up against same thing to be able to be spent peacefully certainly again,believe.
Say artful, still let her discovery again one person dogs really she, ground of idle of compose oneself of energy of life of this marriageable woman do sth following a set pattern, lay down in gravestone place, spit deeply say at a heat: "Arrive home eventually pull ~ ! " that my dear brother, the gravestone that also is on the side lays down, happy laugh: "Breath out ~ ! So you are my neighbour! " this marriageable woman frightens begin to run on the spot! ! One day late night, this marriageable woman comes home alone again.
Her discovery has a person to be in again deep follow her, this marriageable woman can do sth following a set pattern, lay down in gravestone place, deep suction the tone " arrived home eventually! " that my dear brother, the gravestone place that also is on the side lays down respecting: "Ha! Are so you my neighbour? " that woman brainwave easily, fu body dug a hole on grave, ask that the man, : "Neighbour, is latter be a guest denied? " the man runs quickly madly and go! "Another late night, this marriageable woman comes home alone, say artful, she discovers somebody dogs her this marriageable woman do sth following a set pattern, lay down in gravestone place, spit deeply say at a heat: " arrive home eventually ~ ! "That my dear brother, also lay down below the gravestone on the side, happy say: "Breath out ~ ! The neighbour that so you are me " ! Body of that woman Fu dug a hole to say on grave: "Neighbour? Is latter be a guest denied? " that man laughs, take out the white spirit with good provision from backside: "The bright moon is bright, the belle is advanced, how to become place without wine " ? Area of that woman area is disconcerted color, in the heart dark scold: "This lubricious billow, courage is too great also pull ~ ! Did not blindfold he, but is this good? " right now, in the hole that digs from the woman slowly show one ferocious female head, die Die laughs: "Good your goat! Is have the impertinence to do sth in this disgrace my little sister? Search smoke? "Man, woman, run quickly madly and go, all the way, terrified and ineffable, photograph of look help by the arm is helped up, escape grave garden, the friendship because of this adversity, two people give birth to love then, morrow grave garden is bridal, two people are deeply attached to each other from now on, till hoary head10032