記得在以前的故事裡曾經說過我從來沒真正見過所謂的鬼,而我記錄的也都是朋友之間發 生過的故事,我一直固執地認為那是因為深夜泡網太久、空氣流通不暢造成的一系列奇怪 的幻覺,直到那天它真正來到我身邊的時候,我才相信它真的存在.
那天,我在四通和一個久未置娴睦嫌褍a談,他問起我的鬼故事,我笑著說那都是我把朋 友們遇到的一些怪事誇大了,我說:「其實我是個無神論者,我想他們也許對周遭發生的 事物太過在意,才會對一些小小的變化有這麼強烈的反應,換成我,怎麼也不會把那些事 和鬼聯想到一起的.
」,朋友挑了一個鬼臉放在名字前面說:「西西,等你自己碰到的 時候就晚啦。
這時我正在抽煙,抽的猛了點,一口煙嗆到了眼睛,我跑到衛生間去擦臉,這時聽見我的 Pc speaker滴滴滴響個不停,我有點吃驚,因為裝過聲卡後,Pc喇叭是不會響的,我從衛 生間奔出來看,一走到電腦前,所有的聲音都消失了,屏幕上沒沒有任何警告提示,只是 我的Netscape的界面不知道什麼時候被換成ie了,當時就驚出我一身冷汗,人最怕在恐懼 的時候產生聯想,我當機立斷,順手就想把電腦關掉,誰知道電源開關怎麼按也按不下去, 我想大概是裡面的機簧壞了,就直接去拔電源插頭,手在觸到電線的那一剎那,喇叭裡「 嘟」的一聲,屏幕上出現了一個對話框,菜單條上寫著:信使服務,下面的內容框裡有幾個紅色的字:「財神好啊,呵呵。
」,當時我就鬆了口氣,我想那大概是朋友在和我開玩 呢,就又坐回到電腦旁,這時,我的硬盤開始滋滋的響,又彈出一個對話框:「真搞不懂 你用pwin32幹什麼」,這時我才知道那傢伙在我的硬盤裡亂翻呢,我想馬上斷線,這時候屏幕上出現了一個很奇怪的界面, 有點像aoL的早期版本,屏幕上出現了一行字:「別害怕,我沒有任何惡意,只是想和你聊聊天。
」,我沒好氣的回答到:「聊天可以,可你不能亂翻我的機器啊,這很不禮貌的」,對方道:「我看過你寫的鬼故事,很有意思啊,你 說那裡面有哪個故事是真的啊?」,我惡狠狠的說:「什麼鬼故事,他們都是被你們這些人害的,裝神弄鬼,仗著自己的電腦技術高一點,就到處嚇人,你們覺得這樣道德嗎?」。
對方沉默了半天,用一行藍色的字打道:「我沒嚇過人啊,你不是好好的嗎,難道真的要 我現了形你才高興嗎?」,還沒等我回答,屏幕就黑了,我當時大怒,覺得這個人不可理喻,我還沒說什麼,就把我的機器弄死機,就又想去拔插頭關機,這時,屏幕上出現了一 個很蒼老的男人的臉,pc喇叭裡面傳出很悶的說話聲:「是不是這樣你會好受一點?」, 我當時就驚了,我用的是56k的貓,速度絕對不可能達到如此快地傳送視頻的程度,還沒等我反應過來,那人又說:「你現在是不是還以為沒有鬼啊?」,我癱軟在椅子上喘粗氣,連去拔電線的力氣也沒了。
這時,我同屋正好從外面回來,一聽到開門的聲音,屏幕馬上就亮起來了,恢復到剛開始的Netscape狀態,同屋見到我的臉色非常吃驚,問我怎麼了, 我沒什麼心思再給他解釋,就當著他的面把電腦關了,去衛生間刷牙,剛把水倒在杯子裡, 一抬頭,赫然發現剛才那個男人的鬼臉出現在鏡子裡,我頭一昏就暈倒在地。
Introduce: Yin gets the story Xuan before ever the ghost that of my of Jian Zha Zuo does not have Zheng of place of true Yao Zuo , and the story of the also is a friend Zuo unripe Zuo of my Yin Zuo , I originally all the time because Jin of late night bubble is too long, empty, of ground Zha is then is current not a series of strange unreal Yin that causes, till that day it is true is awaited to the of my body Zuo , I just believe it exists really.
That day, I am mixed in 4 one is long not buy adept harmonious disrelishs Xuan A Zha , his has my ghost story, I laugh writing Zha is me then the Zha of a few oddity that encounters friend became big, my Zha : " its I am Zha of god person, I think his also the thing that Yu week gives birth to by too Zuo is cared about, a few small Zhu change ability of intense of of Zuo having Zuo turn over , becomes me, how Zuo also not thinks of those things and ghost Long one case.
" , the friend carried Mo of one ghost to put in front of the name Zha : " cc, the that waits for yourself to come up against is awaited late.
" .
I am smoking Zuo , those who smoke became fierce Zuo , of a arrived eye, I run to Xiao to give birth to Zuo to brush Mo , Yao of Zuo Long my Pcspeaker drop drop drips Zuo is ceaseless, I have Zuo to eat Zuo , because Long of Xuan Zuo blocks after, pc horn is not of Zuo , my Xiao gives birth to of Zuo rush out of to look, go to the front of Zuo Mo , all Long sound disappeared, there were not any admonitory clews on screen, the interface of the Netscape that is me only does not know assorted Zuo awaits the Ie that be become by , gives cold sweat of my a suit with respect to Zuo , person most be afraid that in what fear awaits to give birth to Long to want, my establishs , Zuo hand wants to drop Zuo Mo Zuo , Zha knows Zuo of Zuo source Zuo how Zuo is pressed also press no less than going to, I think the reed that is Xuan face probably, unplug Zuo source inserts Zuo directly, the hand arrives in Yin that one of Zuo Jin that, horn Xuan " toot " one Long , goes out on screen casing of Yu of one , the on dish writes: Messenger takes , the below allows casing Xuan to have the word of color of Ji : " Zuo look is good, ah.
" , I with respect to Zuo buccal , I think that is the friend is in and my Zuo plays probably, sit again return Zuo Mo by, Zuo , my hard Bao Zuo only then the Zuo of grow grow, gives draw a frame round of Yu of one : " do really do not know you to use Zuo of Pwin32 assorted " , I just know Zuo then the of hard Bao Xuan in me turns over partner, I think Jin of the on Zuo , goes out on act of Zuo Hou Bing the interface with one very strange , Zuo resembles the inchoate version of AoL, goes out on screen a word: " fears, I did not have any idea, just want to chat a little with you.
" , I do not have the answer of good to arrive: " it is OK to chat, but you cannot the that turns over me implement ah, Zuo very not of Die appearance " , just: " I see Zuo the ghost story of your , very interesting, you10767