We'll be okay, won't we?
The one thing that matters
more to me than anything else
in the world...
is you and me.
You are my world.
You're the one who gets all
my love and my wishes and my prayers.
But somehow...
despite all my
best intentions,
I never feel quite safe enough
or sure enough
to rest assured that I'll always be
able to make you happy.
I need to know.
I need you more than my words can say.
I need to always feel
the warm peaceful feeling
that I get when you hold me.
I need to experience the beauty
of our love that I gently receive
when we caress.
I need for us to remember
all the love that's been given
and all the love that will unfold
each day, between the wonder of you
and the warmth of me.
Notecaress v.
爱抚,接吻 unfold v.
And sometimes,
I just need to know
that we'll be okay...
won't we?