Introduce:High school gives birth to small graceful is a lively and optimistic girl, had learned not only, and the person grows very beautifully also, the pride in parental memory is in the home, the good young plant that teacher key develops is in the school, the squad leader that everybody loves is more in classmate eye, but produced metabolic …… in outside school activity however,the class is met on Friday that day, classmaster announces the school wants to organize field to live activity, time is Saturday weekday two days, the place is not far from the school double hill, hear the school wants to hold an activity, classmates cheered immediately, the reason is very simple, since the school wants to hold outside school activity, that teacher won't take work for certain, more important is OK again field pass the night, still go up in famous double hill pass the night, had become very happy in the heart of a lot of classmates.
Double hill renown: Sweethearts hill, allegedly a long time ago, the show that the young lady of other people of a large family fell in love with an act in an opera child, at that time the play in the eye of people child the profession that is lowermost cheap, can compare even the beggar them advanced, the approach of lay idea and family forces, girl decision and beloved person die for love, since be born,cannot be together, also want to do husband and wife of a pair of ghost to death, then two people come the place that they just knew.
The suicide that cut wrist.
Hematic incarnadine the dress also incarnadine the earth, what see when the girl's family finds them already is two frozen bodies, it is when that girl family is extremely sad, strange thing appeared, see their body without foundation of two people disappeared only, those who replace is two big hill that are together repeatedly, after this thing is passed, people names these two hill for sweethearts hill, saying is to want two people that love each other to be in the station on these two hill only, and genuine prayer, so they always can written guarantee homocentric, be together all one's life.
Those who come to say at resembling hearsay place really in that way, with respect to unknown, the young men and women that can have a lot of every year anyway ascends those two hill.
After school, small graceful ate dinner to say with parents the school wants to hold the activity that field lives, after mom helps her liquidate the goods with good necessary outing, with pa Mom prattle a few, small graceful went to bed early.
The following day, teacher and classmates arrive neat hind, the president told the note of a few outdoors to set out to double hill, have all the way say to have laugh, girls are 3289 hands more pulling hand accompany and go, after arriving at double hill, bring the mobile district of every grade of the platoon according to the president, the teacher begins to organize classmates to undertake cooperating with division of labour, build tent, collect firewood, for a short while every class worked.
Because excitement of pass the night of first time outdoors must sleep to be not worn,perhaps be, in schoolgirl tent, small11854