军中都是要站冈的, 就在快要结训的时候, 有一位连上的伙伴在要换冈的时候, 由於己经站了一个小时, 所以就有尿意, 在叫了下一位伙伴的当儿, 也就顺便去上了.
在还没有到厕所的时候, 他就听到了厕所中发出一阵阵的敲门门声.
的情形, 可是很奇怪的是,通常人是不会走向那一个有点奇怪的门, 但他却很不由自主的走到那个门去.
到了那个门,他竟然发现是一个女孩子, 而且她的头是和身子分离的, 并且正在用她的头去撞那个门.
当然这位伙伴不是很镇定的走出来, 而是笔直的倒了下去, 于是门外的伙伴这时才惊觉到,大事不妙,赶快去叫了班长来,当然班长也无法解决 ,一直到隔天连长请出军旗,才算解决了这件事, 原来这个地底下埋了一个被人遗弃的, 这事也才在法师的超渡下总算结束了, 这一个令人心有馀悸的事.
Introduce:Remember be in successful mountain recieve training when, we hook up produced a strange thing actually.
Last year in September when, oneself went becoming so called young master arms, still think originally army in what say like elder brother place really is to cross a holiday, but did not think of to produce however.
Army in be ridge wanting a station, be in be about to written guarantee example when, when the associate that one hooks up is wanting to change ridge, stood by Wu Ji classics a hour, have uric idea so, become in what called an associate, also went up with respect to go round toilet.
When still doing not have a toilet, he was heard fitful is given out to knock in the toilet door sound.
Arrived he discovered the toilet among them a door has little to leave close.
case, but very strange is, telling an ordinary person is to won't move toward that one a bit strange door, but him however very can't help take that door.
Arrived that door, he discovers actually is a girl, and her head departs with the body, and be in bump into that door with her head.
Of course this associate is not very calm go, fell straight to go down however, then the associate outside the door at this moment ability Jing becomes aware, the overall situation is bad, went calling up a squad leader at once, of course the monitor is inextricability also, go out please to the company commander that lie between a day all the time vexillary, just calculate resolved this issue, one is buried below this ground so by the female cadaver of person abandon, this thing just also is in of rabbi super- cross fall to end at long last, this one your popular feeling has the thing that Yu throbs with terror.
Think those who be afraid of to return some is afraid of now.