Introduce:College graduate has had time of two years, why is there a dot to accumulate on summit right beside one, see the friend beside leaves in succession went up car, of the itch in He Feng heart.
In secondhand the market rambled very long, he Feng head is big, the price of two handcart also is very high.
At this moment the attention that an information drew He Feng, secondhand it is OK that nimble amounts to a car to want 10 thousand yuan only.
So cheap won't have a holiday, why talking in whispers in peak heart, be in charge of him, go looking to say again first, he Feng left a decision so.
With the car advocate after been contact, time was in surely dusk time, he Feng comes to the car advocate in the home, that is to be in a suburb, he Feng the building before is by historical rinse at least has Ou Shi of more than 50 years little foreign room, boston ivy climbs full whole house, even if now is summer, come to popular feeling inner tube however filar silk cool meaning.
This kind of house unexpectedly also somebody lives, he Feng admires this host a bit.
He Feng stretchs his hand go pushing the iron gate with rubiginous full of stains or spots mark, "Zhi ah Zhi ah " sound is given out, deserve to go up the ghastly building before, atmosphere has the person that nod ooze.
"Who ah? " a kind of mildewy sound that ases if to be passed from cellar rings beside He Feng ear.
"Ah! " He Feng was issued immediately argute, just want to crossed the leg that give to close immediately, not be He Feng courage is small, however this sound all the more cloudy, two short words are sending out blast blast chill.
This ability sees He Feng the person that audio is given out, that is an a bit bow-backed old old woman, a messy white hair deserves to get on a piece to be like the drape face like gesso palely, the mummy that ases if to just go from bier is general.
"The telephone call has made before me, I am the He Feng that will see a car.
" He Feng comes down calmly courteous say.
"Abstruse, come to those who see a car, my son has said to me, you come over to look.
" say an old woman to go to the flank of the house, the place with the most concentrated boston ivy is over there.
He Feng before is a very bright vintage nimble that is brushed amounts to a car, see it from the exterior absolutely so cannot cheap, can car inside have what odd, he Feng is taking the look atting with careful suspicion.
After when the examination the number in dial passing gift, journey waits these a moment.
Does the mouth enquire He Feng " can I leave go out experience experience? " " can, yourself leaves go out, I do not follow you.
" old woman sound slowly give out.
He Feng is driving a car excitedly, everything perfectly, abrupt, he Feng saw a woman in rearview mirror, the woman that back row is taking to wear red dress shows in rearview mirror, she is having a piece similar the ghastly complexion with that old woman, canthus pours out of a the path is bright red.
"Ah! " how to return a responsibility, he Feng's heart is full of endless fear immediately4227