Introduce:Several days ago, have a meal in 3 sister home, speak of to want to write story of a few ghost inadvertently 3 elder sister are biting a thing to say at the same time at the same time, don't you have the thing piece of ** in our village to draw up come? What do I ask the thing? 3 sister said thing and me then.
I do not produce that job when the home, so I had not listened, sound be like breathe out and other ghost story very much the same.
But expensive in true thing.
Say to listen to everybody here.
Piece ** passes two second marriage according to original knot, decease of the first wife, he married the dead's little sister.
I had seen him a few times, to him impression is not very deep, instead is he has an elder brother, it is the mountain fastness compere in the village, meeting flute and suona horn, allegedly youthful when grow very brilliantly, I hundred letter this is fabulous, because be when he is senile, still come out with daughter-in-law Guo Fei is heard.
This matter is one of a few big peachy event of our mountain fastness.
Do not cross piece of ** plain realization became much, I have a few times when going to crop land, transient his home denounces saliva to drink, the laugh with affable and civilized old fogey is worn.
So do not think his die wife meeting is what criminal case.
Because of my grandfather that generation person (the issue that because mix,political famine concerns) a few breathe out domestic home has those who be not normal death, so the man remarries after the death of his wife, feminine remarry is very normal.
Return to the subject, the thing is such, once, piece when ** is celebrating a festival, go to eldest son home drinking have a meal, issued snow that day, eat a meal he disregards an eldest son persuade to stay, be determined to come home, the son does not have method, because live not far in a village, did not send him so.
Allow to leave by him himself.
But arrive all the time very late in the evening, mix piece of 2 sons that ** stays in together will look for father, say father did not come home, brother simultaneously big Jing, because become extremely big snow, and it is to just had drunk wine.
Be afraid that father has an accident, search all the way so, place favour snow just fell, and the person that go out is very few, track down footmark so, discover clew gradually.
But 2 people go to frightened the more more.
Because of the place that they take, indeed fearsome, that is the ancestral grave of their home.
2 people see father faint is before maternal grave, zhou Dou is the trace that the body has rolled.
2 people are considered must not fear, come home his back in.
Ask its course the following day, piece ** says, so he left that day before long hind, how cannot also find the way home, came up against gone wife however, he is borrowing asperse interest to also did not feel to be afraid of, talked to rise with the wife, the wife says to send her to come home, he agreed.
3 turn two turn, walk along cemetery however.
Everybody listened to ghost story not to have changeless color, allegedly after the event, piece ** also very fear, meet when the father of 3 elder sister, still mention this thing, shed silent tears at that time, think some day is not much.
Nevertheless, say this thing to me to 3 elder sister only7670