cn 鴛鴦結**易結不易解 苦相思**能買不能賣 初夏的夜風是溫柔的,可惜與玄子此刻的心情極為不符。
就算不高興,也要等我一起離開呀!" 玄子冷笑:"一起離開,你那樣子像是捨得離開嗎?你別急,改天我把你當作大禮送給那花癡,大家皆大歡喜。
玄子緊張的抓住阿忻":天呀!不會這?倒楣吧,這部電梯從沒出過故障的,我今天是諸事不順嗎?" 阿忻攬過她,安慰著:"別怕,一般的故障最長十幾分鐘就可以恢復正常了。
這對神仙眷侶般的人兒沖進白霧裏,電梯間的兩個人也嚇傻了! "阿忻,你發現了甚麼清代裝扮的你比較英俊呢!"找回了自己的聲音,玄子頭一件事就是挖苦阿忻。
早忘記害怕的玄子握住阿忻的手:"你說,他們就要永遠的分離了??看看他們,我好難過!" 阿忻無語,只是緊緊抱住她。
勒住了繩,男子定定望住懷裏的女孩,用很低沈很溫柔的聲音說:"月兒,這一回我們不告別了,我們永遠不再告別,我會一直陪著你,有命也罷,無命也罷,我們要永遠的在一起!" 白無隱住了緊隨而來的殺氣,隱住了馬上的人。
合攏掌心~*~*~* 護住那一縷光明~*~*~* 只?了留住你生命中的熱情~*~*~* 本文转载自鬼网
Introduce:Welcome everybody contribute perhaps recommends ~ ! Small brave mailbox: GEasy Jian of ** of Jian of Ui9@yahoo.
cn Zuo Zuo solves bitter lovesickness ** not easily can Zuo cannot the nocturnal Zuo of Zuo Chu Xia is is soft, regrettablly Ning Xuan Zi at the moment mood nots agree with.
Xuan Zixin Xuan is lighting to write ablaze fury, pay no attention to Xin of A of body after to breathe out agog , big of Zuo of Xuan Zi .
The Xuan Zi tonight is of constant beauty Zuo , the Yao of skirt of Zuo of Ji of force of Jian Zuo Zuo of igneous Ji writes the figure of year of Zuo handsome beauty, the Zuo Zuo that is like Chinese ink is clever by small butterfly lives, of Zuo regret is to be the same as appearance originally the mood of one happiness is in Wu Nan's friendly Sheng like that is put.
Death presses Zuo of the ladder that write Zuo , xuan Zi cuss of one Zuo Yu slowly Zuo ladder, dark proud Li offends one Zuo the male friendly A Xin that she gives birth to , the fool of day unexpectedly Zuo road Zuo the Ji that the girl of goes to going to her cummer, allow Yu that spends daughter the Ji Kui like 8 ungual Zuo him, xuanzi believes, the person that in every case has an eye the motive that sees that girl, unluckily A Xin Zuo is goofy and unidentified understand white refus Jian , xuan Zi is fast by him , if goes down with his bad news again, she must person cannot.
At it is the men and women that Xuan Zi swung key point of that Dai , the Ji of this Yu romance accuses Jian with be finished.
"Xuan Zi, wait for me! "Add up to in Zuo ladder Zuo before momently, a Xin Zuo Zuo , look before only then the person that make tomb figure, black child think one Mo kick exceedingly he goes out, Xuan of A Xin Zuo still the Zuo solution of act recklessly: "How? ? Do not have Die appearance very much, anyhow makes call.
Calculate not tall Ning , also should wait for my Zuo Zuo ! "Xuanzi sneers: " Zuo of a Zuo , your that child is resembling gets Zuo Zuo ? Your is urgent, sometime I make your big Die sends Jian to spend then, all big is fond of everybody.
"" assorted? Yu ? I just encounter her by chance on the road, be the same as one of , Zha of family Zuo fun wants Yao Yao you, if I do not agree Zuo is not Zuo gets small , again Zha my interacts 3 years, also be feeling deep, you need not? Zuo Zuo bagatelle and my Zuo ? " of Mo of A Xin Yi crime.
"Hum! Be afraid of is your heart Xuan be benefit from very, have woman and my you, I ability is not unique.
"Body of Zuo of Xuan Ziqian fragile Zuo pays no attention to him.
" Zuo laugh Long , Xuan of ladder of favour Ta Zuo has of my only, deny very person! " is written hot the Xuan Zi of lienal , a Xin Ye of photograph of can good word.
Abrupt, the Long of expiration of Zuo of dark Zhu Xuan Zi of Zuo , upgoing Zuo ladder also stopped.
Of of Xuan Zi Jin capture A Xin " : Day! Not Zuo ? Pour lintel, of ladder of Zuo ministry Zuo did not give Zuo trouble, I is today Zheng thing not Zuo ? " Zuo of A Xin her, comfort: " is afraid of, general breakdown most it is OK that 10 of Zuo divide Zuo extensive is normal.
"" blames you, if it were not for9022