刚好这时候那个年轻人要坐他的摩托车去镇上,大家都没在意,他们就去了,到了下午他们回来了,没过几个小时,就听说那个年轻人在喝农药死了,后来听妈妈说那个年轻人一回家就给钱他爸爸 叫他爸爸出去打牌,然后一个人在家就喝农药死了,这让大家联想到前一晚的事。
Introduce:That is to be in I am small when acquiring junior high school, and I can make sure this is true, one day has a young man to want to go on the town (we are countryside) shop, sit we the autocycle of an adjoining uncle, before this I say the thing of that autocycle first, advanced that uncle midnight has carried one evening a woman, and there is money of a dark in that uncle purse the following day, this frightens us.
Just at that time that youth should sit his autocycle goes on the town, everybody was not cared about, they went, arrived they came back afternoon, had done not have a few hours, hear that youth drank pesticide to die in the home, listen to mom to say home of that youth bout gives money his father later call his father to go out card games, next a person drinks pesticide to die in the home, this allows the thing of before everybody associates one evening.
Time went slowly, passed a few years, the nephew of that youth and the son of adjoining uncle still have a few boys swim over there us, but the sad news of the death is transmitted again, the youth's nephew drowns dead, their family cannot stand but must bear again, boy father mother is outer at that time work, hear a sad news of the death to hurried back, place of my saw with one's own eyes sees, *** Mom cries roll about in underground the station stands not to rise, that boy already was at that time in bier, because children died to must be buried immediately, of our home town consuetudinary.
See him outside bier in *** Mom when, he opened an eye, closed again immediately however.
Listening to an old person to say that is he sees *** Mom last times.
Passed before long uncle home wife was pregnant next door our home, however everyday the dog cries in the evening, the dog of adjoining uncle home, the sort of calling that know is how to return a responsibility, what pass over there us for some time then is bubbling with noise, saying because of what there is a fortune-telling over there us is brother's son of their father's younger brother two look for you, later miscarriage of that uncle wife a few, everyday that dog runs to run before their door in the evening, seeming is like who chasing after to bite, and I sleep to be not worn every night, because be next door my home, rural house is endured very nearly, so every night frontal wail cry is in silent night is in that way sad and shrill, listen to that fortune-telling say because of them the home has brother's son of dog father's younger brother two looked for a severe ghost that wears red garment to take scissors, allow abortion of his home wife, the hospital that hides to the county is giving birth to later, later of fortune-telling say to wanted to because they hide below that fruiter,cut a fruit tree in front.
I read high school later went be about in residence, return the home rarely, this thing also went slowly, I also knew with respect to not very, nevertheless this is true.