① 冬天的12点以后不要玩一些鬼怪,因冬天晚上人们出来乘凉的时候少了,过到12点阴气很重。
② 不是童男童女的朋友不要独自出入僻静场所。
③ 如要怕邪者用沾过茶米水的红绳系在手腕。
④ 身上带五帝钱,顺、康、雍、乾、嘉时期的钱币。
⑤ 不要擅自杀死狐狸,蛇,刺猬 猫等动物,后果自负。
⑥ 流血时一定要注意不要把血滴在火里!切记! ⑦ 夜间胸口不要靠近阴地的墙壁,地面。
⑧ 走墓地、偏僻地时,不要念经文护身,小心激怒鬼怪,可以说些祭拜的话。
⑨ 在家有白事过后的9日内不要去阴气重的地方。
⑩ 不要忘了清明和十月初一要给阴间的人送“礼物”! ⑾ 夜间不要独自走黑暗小道。
⑿ 八字轻的人晚上最好不要出行。
⒀ 带护身符,一般到寺庙,道观请大法师开光,再把护身符带在身上。
⒁ 家中亲人去逝的应常拜,观音菩萨之类的神像不要放到附近。
(可能他 她会在特定的时候回来看你们。
放了那些佛之类的会有避讳) ⒂ 出门在慌郊野外不要随地在大石头,骷髅头,墓碑上撒尿,涂痰,因晕车呕吐等。
(以后你可能出现幻觉而发生灾祸) ⒃ 如果在噩梦中有鬼侵扰,可以用木碗倒半碗水,再放入7颗饱满无损的黄豆在床边。
⒄ 出门回来有很好习惯的人都拿毛巾或红布什么的在门外拍拍身子。
这样你才不会常得大病或得灾) ⒅ 夜间出门在外玩(比如山里) 遇到的老人,女人,小孩子。
(我想一般人要真在外的谁也不管了,早溜了) ⒆ 晚上不要在有柳树等树下歇息,独自在家十分不要趴到窗户口向外张望,夜晚人少时在河边也不要探头探脑。
⒇ 在外考察人员不要接触女人,如(接吻之类的勿做)因为本来人在外阳气就少,接触的人少,阳气更浅,如要再和属阴的女人XX就丧失了更多阳气,这样就爱被缠身(俗话说了谁不爱找软柿子捏,你阳气少了,鬼一定喜欢找你做替死者)而事后出现的意外会导致你身亡,人看来就是你心脏病突发等正常的病而死,丝毫查不出什么,鬼是侵占你的大脑而叫你死亡,他会控制意志薄弱的人门,而这些人往往就是失恋,家人去世而心理承受不住的人们。
所以在外往往遇到的事情不必慌张,辨清事理就好/ /切记。
Introduce:Was July immediately half, in this special day, small brave hits potion to prevent a needle for everybody.
Of ① winter game of a few phantoms does not play after 12 o'clock, when because of the winter people comes out to enjoy the cool in the evening little, arrive too shade gas is very heavy at 12 o'clock.
The friend that ② is not Tong Nan Tong Nv does not come in and go out alone quiet room.
If ③ wants the person that be afraid of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease to be fastened in the artifice with the red rope that has touched tea rice water.
5 emperor money is taken on ④ body, suitable, health, harmony, male, the coin of fine period.
⑤ does not want do sth without authorization to kill a fox, snake, the animal such as hedgehog cat, consequence is conceited.
When ⑥ bleeds, must notice not to drip blood in fire! Be sure to keep in mind! ⑦ nightly wind does not stand by the wall of shade ground, the ground.
When ⑧ takes graveyard, devious land, do not read aloud lection to protect a body, careful exasperate phantom, can say some of word that hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to.
⑨ does not go to shade enraging serious place inside 9 days after the home has white thing to pass.
⑩ did not forget to want to send to Acheron person at the beginning of Pure Brightness and October " gift " ! ⑾ is nightly do not walk along dark canal alone.
The person that lives in devious place does not gaze around on the way home.
Somebody is patted you and call you to the name does not turn round and agree.
The person with ⑿ light character 8 had better not go in the evening row.
⒀ takes a person or thing that protects one from punishment or censure, arrive commonly cloister, path view asks old a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest to open light, take a person or thing that protects one from punishment or censure on the body again.
Did not leave need not take again, do not pick on the belt.
Of dies of the family member in Home ⒁ often should do obeisance to, the God of avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and so on is not put near.
(his her meeting is in the likelihood specific when come back to see you.
To you the door procrastinates dream and tell some of thing.
The meeting that put those Buddha and so on has evade) ⒂ goes out to not be in everywhere in confused outskirt field big stone, skeleton head, the piddle on gravestone, besmear is phlegmy, wait because of carsick vomiting.
(later you may appear psychedelic and produce mischief) if ⒃ is in in nightmare harrass of there is sth fishy, can pour half bowls of water with wooden bowl, the soya bean that puts 7 full nondestructive again is in bedside.
OK also be being put in bedside instead by the shoe of faze person.
⒄ goes out the person that comes back to have very good habit takes towel or red cloth of what pat outside the door take a body.
(this appears in the country commonly, because people works in the ground before,do a late night to just come home, and the the dead is very common thing before.
Which are perhaps dead outstanding, body all the time nobody is moved decay, became tough spirit.
So they come home to want to pat take the body, 1 it is to remove dust.
2 be those who bend over to go up in your body is impish pat.
You often just won't get a serious illness or get calamity so) ⒅ is nightly go out outer play (for instance in hill) the old person that encounter, woman, dot.
Do not respond them, do not want do sth without authorization to bring back your abode.
The abode that also does not tell them you / if they encounter difficulty help when best person is much, want nobody13640