如果你看见一个纸团上画着一个很丑的娃娃脸,你千万别说它丑,因为…… 湘在桌子上的一个纸团上画上一各娃娃的脸蛋,确切点说那只是个有着两道弯弯的蓝色眼睛和一张也是弯弯的红嘴巴甚至连一个小小的鼻子都没有的娃娃脸,那脸蛋邪邪地对着你笑,让你不寒而栗。
”而她身旁的元圆却嘟这嘴叹到:“唉,又下课了!” “哦——看上我们的帅哥老师了——”湘一脸奸笑。
“哦——” “你画的那个娃娃可真丑唉!”湘刚想要再说下去好让自己不无聊一些,可是她刚说了一个字,就被元圆给叉开话题了。
…… 一会儿之后,小环听不到教室里的一丁点的动静,她的心一下子就崩紧了起来,她开是断断续续紧张得声音发抖地不转头叫着元圆的名字,可是教室里还一点动静都没有,唯一有响应的就是,就是她竟然觉得身后有一个人在慢慢走来,不,应该是飘来,因为平时有“顺风耳”的小环这是竟然听不到任何的声音,唯有感觉得到一阵凉嗖嗖的阴风,像是从另外一个世界飘来的——地——狱? 小环突然想到了这个元圆平时最喜欢了,这一定是她吓我的。
…… “啊!”小环突然叫了一声,然后晕了过去。
莫非…… 现在又轮到湘晕过去。
刹那间,湘的脑海中浮现出一幅似曾见过的画面:在一个亮着日光灯的教室里,一个纸团突然间变得很大,然后朝着它旁边的一个曾经说过它丑的女孩子啃去……然后 它又来到那个教室靠门的那个座位边,邪邪地笑了,那个胆小的女孩子就这样被吓倒了…… …… 后来,那见小环住的精神病院里进来了一个叫湘的女孩,进来时嘴中还是念着那个似乎是“纸”字的字……
Introduce:If you see there is a very hideous baby face on a spitball, you must not say it is ugly, because.
the cheek of on a Hunan on spitball picture on the table one each baby, precise spot says that is a blue that having two curved turns only the baby face that eye and the red mouth that one piece also is curved turn do not have even a small nose even, ground of evil of that cheek evil laughs to you, let you shudder.
After Hunan has been drawn that group paper anew replace is in formerly, that spitball baby to Hunan bad bad ground is laughing at yuan of circle beside.
Yuan the circle has turned below one is cast only after the head will look " you are fastened so dull good " absorption listen to the class that had her.
"Alas! " Hunan sighed helplessly to oneself one information.
She present is dull really -- the mathematical class that listening to this to make a person drowsy.
" only you can accompany me now.
" Hunan to solilo-quize of that spitball baby, although this is to be on classroom, but the activity that Hunan knows to the teacher is to won't notice this is small here, so she just dare solilo-quize.
Yuan the circle is listening the solilo-quize of Hunan, just laugh slightly, had not removeded oneself attention from inside the teacher's lecture.
" listen in Hunan coming is euphonic and in yuan the circle listens coming is disgusting ring noise however, hunan extended a lazy waist, hit greatly yawn, all over the face gladly from tongue way: "Finished class eventually.
" and she yuan of circle beside toot this mouth sighs however: "Alas, finished class again! " " oh -- settle on teacher of our handsome young man -- " Hunan one face sinister smile.
"Fasten bullshit! The family is really those who tell is wonderful.
" although yuan on round mouth so say, but Hunan or the red apple that see her face has compared that maturity are even red.
"Oh -- " " that baby that you draw but really ugly alas! " Hunan just wanted to had gone down to make his not a few duller besides, but she just said a word, by yuan the circle gives diverge a topic.
This one fork, yuan the circle can be some regret really, because this says Hunan to begin her a lengthy speech or article glibly immediately, what to say the word of the and so on of on any account that she is the level painting a picture that knows her, discover till herself when leaving already, ability stops yuan of circle.
"Hunan, I cross a classroom to take this book.
You need not wait for me, you sleep first.
" yuan round to sleep the Hunan with hazy eye says.
"I accompany you to go.
" although Hunan is very tired really, but she still insists to want to accompany yuan of circle to go, because she is not at ease yuan of circle is so late oneself go, should know she can be the sort of person that cares a friend very much.
Say, hunan stood to prepare to want to accompany yuan of circle to go, she present is standing to also become aware sleepily repeatedly, more never mention it a moment ago sitting all the time.
"Yourself sleeps first, I am not dot any more.
I am not dot any more.