亲爱的朋友们大家好, 我是小勇, 这是我 第一次写鬼故事,虽然写的很‘小学生’,但是还是希望大家耐着性子看完,记的给我回音啊。
现在我开始打故事了哈, 她叫做婷,一个平凡还很有点内向的女孩子,就读于四川某市某中学,5月18日,就在这个看似平常的星期天,发生了一见让所有人都意想不到的事…… 那天上午11点左右,她突然感到头痛,而且还呕吐不止,于是便由外婆陪着到了市二就诊,护士给她输液,之后身体出现异常反映,但是护士没有理她,于是在几个小时以后婷就死了。
(好象算医疗事故吧?)] 医院随便给了年老的外婆一个结果就想打发外婆走。
婷死后她的意识还存在,她清楚的听到护士说“已经死了”又看见护士走出了急诊室, 她也跟着出去,看见护士告诉外婆“节哀顺便”,又看见年老 的外婆顿时倒在了地上,她很难过, 想去把外婆扶起来,但是她的手竟然一下字穿过了外婆的身体,她楞住了,看看自己竟然是漂浮在空中的,她想哭,却没有泪水。
恍惚中, 她听见有人在叫她,顺着声音飘过去,她看见了她的爷爷正看着她,和小时候记忆里的爷爷一样,很慈祥,爷爷对她说:“孩子, 我是来接你的,走吧。
” ‘去哪儿啊?’ ‘当然是下面啊。
我在下面孤独了那么多年,现在可好了,以后有你来陪我了” 婷没有多说什么,跟着爷爷走了,……到了阴间,判官问起她的死因,婷便一五一十的把医院里发生的事说了出来。
婷很感谢判官的仁慈,因为她从旁边的人的眼中看出这样的“优待”不是每个人都有的,就这样, 她在路标的指示下回到了人间。
说起孟婆, 婷都无语了, 真不知道因该用什么词来形容,很妖艳。
想到这里, 她已经飘到了医院的停尸房,她想进去,可是她闻到了一种让她觉得很的气味——福尔马林。
她也说不出是什么时候开始害怕这种味道的, 也许就是在几小时前吧~ 无奈之下, 她转身漂向家,只看见所有的亲戚都在客厅里,大家都没说话, 气氛很严肃……母亲在卧室里躺着,听说是哭晕过去的。
就这样,一晃过了四天,22日这天家人请的律师和司法部门的人要去殡仪馆采集标本,婷也跟着飘了去,她觉得终于有机会还阳了!没想到在这个时候却出现了一件让所有人都意想不到的事:婷的尸体只剩一具空壳,所以内脏器官和脑部组织已被取走!婷呆住了,她最后一次还阳的机会不复存在了…… 很快就到头七了,黑白无常出现在她的面前,白无常吹了声口哨说:“小姑娘,走吧!”婷就无赖的跟着他们走了。
婷被逗乐了:白无常说的也没错,当鬼其实也蛮好玩的!想到这里她也就不再害怕了,走上了做鬼的道路…… 终于写完了, 手都痛了…… 这个故事说的呢,其实是有真人真事来改编的,这个故事只是一个序 ,接下来的才是主要的,而这些主要的东西,是要由大家来接龙的,所以希望大家踊跃创作,踊跃投稿哈,一般只要投稿了的,我都会发上来,而且凡是投稿了的网友小勇都会送你一个~邮箱~ 投稿地址 :gui9@yahoo.
cn gui9@yahoo.
cn 我在邮箱里等你们啊 ~!
Introduce:Dear friends everybody is good, I am small brave, this is I write ghost story for the first time, although write very ' pupil ' , but still hope everybody is able to bear or endure strength looks, write down give me echo.
I begin to make a story now ha, she is called graceful, one ordinary the girl that still has bit of introversion very much, read at Sichuan some city some middle school, on May 18, look in this be like common on Sunday, happened to see let holder the thing that expect is less than.
controlled at 11 o'clock that day morning, she feels suddenly have a headache, and still vomit more than, went to 2 hospitals of city to see a doctor by grandmother for company then, the nurse gives her infusion, the body appears later unusual report, but the nurse did not manage she, it is then after a few hours graceful died.
(seem to calculate unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment? ) ] the hospital gave aged grandmother a result casually want to dismiss grandmother goes.
The family member knew to also entrust lawyer and legal medical expert to had prepared cadaver check a few days.
Her consciousness after graceful is dead still exists, she hears a nurse clearly to say " had died " see the nurse walked out of emergency call room again, she also goes out accordingly, see the nurse tells grandmother " restrain one's grief incidentally " , see aged grandmother was in immediately on the ground again, she is very sad, want to come to grandmother uprear, but her hand actually the body that word crossed grandmother, her freeze, seeing his is to float in aerial actually, she wants to cry, do not have tear however.
Absentminded in, she hears someone is crying her, wave down sound, she saw her grandfather is looking at her, with remembering the grandfather in in one's childhood, very amiable, the grandfather says to her: "The child, I will receive you, go.
" ' where to go to? ' ' it is of course below ah.
I am alone below so old, now but good, later you accompany me " what didn't graceful say more, followed a grandfather to go, .
arrived Acheron, sentence an official to ask about her cause of death, graceful a produces in the hospital job of in full detail spoke out.
"What? " sentence an official pursy brows, "Dead so odd? .
such, you are small still, farewell world looks, wait for your head 7 that day I again the name you from life and death thin on crossed " .
Graceful thanks the mercy that sentences an official very much, because she sees in the eye of the person from the side such " give special treatment " not be everybody some, such, she returned the world below the directive of guide.
Consider the issue that a moment ago produced, feel very mysterious, acheron with the hearsay in a bit identical however the difference is very big, in Acheron she saw really sentence an official, black and white and fugacious.
Nether bridge, acheron road, still have old woman of the first month.
But sentence an official to look very sapid, black fugacious the Cool-boy that is a standard and do not have in vain15317