Introduce:Section of ninefold in September this world, dry,crisp air of autumn, colourful Yang Gaozhao, I am below tree of pagoda tree shade, make tea the west lake Dragon Well tea with one superior crock, sit on rocking chair, sampling slowly, wife card games went, god-given kosher a little while, at this moment, in former days classmate Li Xin makes a telephone call, say Xing Heng high speed hits their village to pass, the ancestral grave picture of his home was in inside the line, need removes, let me help go looking geomantic.
I am not geomancer, but I am right geomantic have research extremely however.
I did not let Li Xin hire a car to receive me, however oneself drive go, old schoolmate, take what stand.
Before before leaving, I predicted one divinatory symbols, divinatory symbols elephant shows in divinatory symbols of very weird —— , grave go-between is living still, did not die, this, likelihood? After coming to Li Cun, li Xin accompanied me to turn outside the village circuit, did not discover wonderful geomantic ground, feel faintly however have flavor of compound of bewitching of one share celestial being, look, here conceals the clever thing that has and so on of celestial being of anguine essence fox, nevertheless, since they do not have damage person, I also was not necessary to offend them.
I was Home Li Xin to select a grave site below west hill foot, although here is not what shapes dragon arteries and veins, cannot give the person of large fortune, but restful blessing ground, can keep his Home Laoli a few worlds are in good health.
After grave site has been chosen, those who remain is change bury.
After the old father that waits for Li Xin has burned paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead, it is somebody maintained black umbrella first, the cover is on grace mound, this is the custom that will hand down 100000, the the dead cannot see light, begin excavation next, did not show coffin a little while, what coffin degenerates already is fierce, touch crisp, people opens a coffin cautiously, did not see skeleton however, see one staff grows long drought small-bowled long-stemmed pipe only, lie inside silently! Open another coffin, do not have skeleton as before, have a pair of gold-rimmed embroider shoes only, putting …… shipshapely to who to know " ah " : "Have Hu Xian really! " people " buzz " the ground came loose.
"How can you be such? How can you be such? " Li Xin's octogenarian old father, genuflect is before the grave, old tear freely, it is the encoffin that he enters to father mother with one's own hands, saw with one's own eyes looks at the bury below father mother, how to meet such? Look at the scene before, I remembered that one divinatory symbols that when coming, predicts suddenly, is it possible that ……(phantom: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) that one evening, I did not go back, constellation was in Home Li Xin.
When dinner, li Xin wife made two food, one crock wine, saying is to let us press help sb get over a shock, old father of Li Xin drinks one handleless cup only, stood with respect to tottering ground, the go to bed that reply a house went.
"My grandma is the person with an unidentified antecedents, "My grandma is the person with an unidentified antecedents,, 13071