Introduce:Company at a loose end does not have a thing, with the director static chat! The thing that speaks of a few phantoms comes! She says his fellow student, a girl that pass is lived in in her before! Now already nerve is abnormal! Particular case is, that year she goes of Jinan east retail sales field, actually I often also go to this paragraph of time.
Go up in that bridge once disaster of another boy dispatch a vehicle, die over! Result girl goes back to begin to rave, of often act as a lunatic! To now fast 30 years old also did not talk about a boy friend, did not work! Look for big celestial being to had looked, saying is the boy settle on with dead disaster of that dispatch a vehicle him, want her to become girlfriend friend! Although that big celestial being can see these, be not solved truly.
Of person of paper of paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead burned a lot of, also do not have get better! Static ask me again, do not die that girl do sth over and over again, is the boy that that traffic accident dies unwilling rest? 7137