这两天一直在看故事,突然想到自己年轻的时候也遇到过一些怪事, 没有很恐怖的鬼出现,只是不寻常罢了,请看了的朋友不要害怕啊!
Introduce:These two days are seeing horrible story all the time, a few oddity also had been encountered when thinking of he are young suddenly, not very bloodcurdling ghost appears, just not common stopped, the friend that saw please does not want to fear! The earliest when seeming is 10 years old many! I spend summer vacation in the country, hear faced a village to come an abdominous woman, can know all things, as it happens my aunt was pregnant, wanting to know is a boy or girl, a lot of person is driving a tractor! I also went accordingly, the woman is specific I also note what tendency not quite clear, only apparent remembering her is a pregnant be pregnant woman, aunt gave 10 money, fearing at that time deceive people, ask her first, we come from where, what to call the name, there are a few children in the home, day.
She answered sb's question actually! At that time is we ask, her abdomen " cluck clucks " cry twice, she gives us the translation.
Very abnormal? So aunt asked her most inquisitive problem, asking her abdomen to the child in is male still is female, her abdomen " cluck clucks " cried twice, her interpreter says is the girl.
Before long, aunt was delivered of a girl.
Still be me 13 years old or so once! The elder sister is pulling me to go to a family playing, happen to that man spirit the upper part of the body of more than 40 years old, see the harp in his mouth only some what, take a bowl at the same time, dot water poured in past bowl, took double chopstick again, saying " ah! You came! " of what, say " you became hungry be! I do bit of meal to eat to you, held dot flour to be scattered in the bowl, with chopstick agitate agitate, said voice " stop to be not moved " .
Good gracious come, that chopstick is straight of arris arris establish the water in the bowl in the center of, next of gabble said, say " satiate! You can go! " that chopstick fell suddenly to come down, after he poured water, restore normality.
My that time is little still, feel quite amused, did not become those who want to frighten my elder sister not clear.
Pulling me to run rapidly! Still having is the second year in high school on me when! We a group of big person goes reservoir plays, the friend threw one Jiao, after coming home dejected, hand hair is yellow, the whole body is lack of power and dozy become aware, she a person is in live in, was asleep with respect to what strand, suddenly she feels to there is a man on the body, she what press is suffocative come, but how be moved! Only active eyeball, she is the TV that closes with the remote controller at that time, so our TV right lower part always can have red dot, she sees Na Gong nods the move that be blocked by that man flickering, for ages later her ability was moved! The leg also is twisted green together.
I meet this phenomenon explain to everybody a little while.
Tall 3 when, I also am encountered similar the circumstance above, just was asleep in the evening, was pressed suddenly to wake! Discovery has one heavy thing on the body, 16098