Introduce:In us home town has a custom, after the person dies, a chicken is killed in the meeting before encoffin, drip gallinaceous blood in the dead's mouth, bury chicken before grave next.
Allegedly, be in a long time ago, a dutiful son goes to Beijing to drive one's deceased father, hear a mother to get a severe disease, hurried back hurriedly in the home, the mother already left the world.
The dutiful son is distress unceasingly, think of maternal favour of the mother and the hardship that endure, go to neighbour home buy or sell on credit only big cock was killed, drip gallinaceous blood into maternal mouth, hope the mother has a rough time no longer on Acheron road.
Cannot think of, the mother sat suddenly, whole family everyone is happy.
Passed one year, the mother just leaves the world.
Countryside adjacent says, this is chicken provoked soul come back, such soul won't come loose, later arisen this kind is sacred, chicken became the vehicle leading the lofty spirit of a nation to the dead; Chicken is buried before grave, meaning call ghost to go for chicken.
Give a name: Chicken of call back the spirit of the dead.
When I am suckled dead, it is the chicken that the 3 uncle in the village give, 3 uncle station is holding chicken in the arms before inner and outer coffins, the mumble in the mouth, hand father chicken next, father kills chicken, bloodletting, next, genuflect buried chicken before grave.
Later, the youth of the village walks out of a village to work in the city, have blind faith in this kind of custom no longer.
When I tentatively dead greatly, after holding hold a memorial ceremony for of 3 days, cremated, just buried, father is impatient drove from the other place come over, genuflect cries greatly in the cry loudly before the grave of great aunt: Elder sister, I I am sorry you ah, did not think of you went so quickly, died to also did not take care of you good, I am blamed! The son of great aunt comes over to come to uprear of father help by the arm, father holds the big cock that gives a Jin Maozi remaining part in the arms from basket, after talk about again and again is over, hand the son of great aunt.
He one terrified, holding big cock in the arms to be at a loss.
Father glower circle is opened, one has grabbed chicken, scold: Boil to me! Genuflect cried a few times before grave, on the stone that throws ground of gallinaceous firm firm before grave, "Cough up " , chicken jumped, because chicken was issued the fetch of great aunt, also do not go to run in disorder somewhere else, round graveyard one be lame skips the ground runnings, father is stupefied terrified terrified ground is looked at, sigh finally: "Alas! This is a life! " hold a big cock in the arms to come back.
That moment almost domestic home raises chicken, in the henroost that father did not put chicken into bungalow the foot of a wall to fall, built a canopy beside domestic door however, bind broken drumstick load rod, put inside, this canopy does not have the door, chicken can come in and go out freely.
The cock had the spirit of great aunt, also do not run in disorder, fed eat, thirsty drink, unlike cock is hit in that way cried.
After the leg is good, the wool of big cock is lubricious more Jin Liang, big cockscomb of Gong Gong is swinging back and forth, it is martial very, build exceeds dining table actually a lot of.
When the family has a meal, big cock is in all round saunter, holding the grain of rice that scatters on the ground.