com 农历七月初七,苏家生了一对双胞女娃,姐姐苏诺,妹妹苏若,天上虽然下着雨可是苏家的每个人都很开心。
18年后…… 苏家的院墙挡不住满园的浓情蜜意,苏诺依偎着李奇,“奇,你真好……”李奇微笑着,望着身前的女子,温柔、美丽,才情并貌,有显赫的家世,这样的女子就应该是他李奇的妻子。
在李奇看来,一个妻子除了要美丽、贤淑之外,最重要的是为他带来更多的财富,苏家没有儿子,娶了苏诺,就等于拥有了苏家的全部财产…… 几日后,李家来提亲,结果另两家非常满意。
听说李家下了聘,她心里突然有一种奇妙的东西在滋生——如果我不能拥有美好,那么诺也不能…… “婚礼定在8月,奇出门去了3、4个月以后才回来,回来后我们就可以成婚了。
他看着那个他以为是苏诺的女人,颤声问“你是谁?” “我是诺呀……”她哭着捂着脸“……失火………我……我的脸……”她扑到李奇怀里哭喊着“别离开我……别不要我……” 李奇像见了鬼一样猛的推开她跑掉了。
10天后,苏家收到了退婚的帖子…… 苏诺不明白奇为什么突然退婚,晕了过去…… 苏老爷气愤的带了女儿去李家评理,不明白李家为什么突然退婚,要去质问清楚。
第二天,官府送回了苏诺,他们在路上遇到强盗,苏老爷死了…… 第三天,有消息传来,李奇要成婚了,就在今天。
苏诺疯了似的冲了出去,她要找李奇问个明白…… 远远的爆竹声声,人们的欢笑声不绝于耳,苏诺站在众人的后面,看着自己的爱人和别的女人在一起给宾客敬酒,她的心在流血,她冷冷的望着李奇,她的目光穿透了喧闹的宾客。
他更不明白的是他竟然还活着,他明明派了人去杀她和她的父亲了呀,他不能因为嫌弃苏诺已经毁容就退婚这件事而毁了自己的名誉,除了他们两家还没有外人知道他们有婚约这件事,她看来并没有被毁容,到底是怎么回事呢,不管了,既然到了今天这样的地步,那只有一错到底了,决不能留下活口…… 他吩咐着下人…… 第四天,苏家失火,无一人生还…… 苏诺觉得死并没有想象中的痛苦,反而因为李奇背叛让她仅剩的这缕幽魂仍然刺痛不已……而当她了解到他误认了妹妹,她突然滋生了一种奇妙的感觉——既然大家都不得好,那么我们就一起下地狱吧。
” 苏若悄悄的来到苏诺的近旁,她第一次开心的笑起来,她看到姐姐因怨恨而扭曲的脸,比她烧毁的脸还要丑陋,她笑着……笑着……甚至忘记自己已经死了……
Introduce:Author mailbox: ABc-13546@163.
com the traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of July 7, home Su gave birth to a pair twin female child, elder sister Su Nuo, little sister Su Re, although but the everybody of Home Su is very happy,the sky is issueing rain.
One full year of life, su Jiayan asks countryside neighbour, appear everybody Jing let sb have sth into the bargain, su Re cries be troubled by ceaseless, but Mrs.
Su is obliged to take her to answer ben.
Antechamber everybody is Bacchic and ceaseless, if Xiaosu cries ceaseless again, mrs.
Su also be agitated rises, often if,fooling Xiaosu, mrs.
Su wants to call a wet nurse to help, put Su Re to be on the bed, a cool wind crosses a window, stroke window curtain, burn candlelight was burned rise.
Rescue Su Re from inside fire when people when, although she returns the person that live, can be a face with by burn down.
After 18 years.
the strong feeling sweet meaning that the courtyard wall of Home Su does not block full garden, su Nuo is leaning close Li Ji, "Strange, you are really good.
" Li Ji is smiling, visitting the woman before the body, tender, beautiful, ability affection and appearance, have celebrated extraction, such woman should be the wife of his Li Ji.
"Strange, when do you let your father come to our home talk about a marriage.
" Su Nuo is bashful, of light tone ask, this problem she feels embarrassed all the time carry, but mix Li Ji be on intimate terms is so long, always fear he so outstanding can love another person.
"Fasten urgent, pass a few days, I let my father talk about a marriage.
" kiss wears Li Ji embroider hair of Su Nuo, satisfactory laugh.
Look in Li Ji, a wife besides want beauty, virtuous kind and gentle besides, the most important is to be him to bring more money, home Su does not have a son, married Su Nuo, be equal to all property that owned Home Su.
a few in the future, li Jialai talks about a marriage, the result is other two special satisfaction.
But everybody is satisfactory, additional however Su Re is very dissatisfactory.
From the appearance that from that fire she lost beauty, everything was changed, she hides in her heaven and earth all the time, she looks at everybody piteously to forget her existence, those who hating old weather is unjust, she ought be caressed with what all the different kind has like the elder sister and dote on, should have the time of green beauty, also more should a remarkable in that way like Li Ji man loves him.
She is good resentment, psychology resembles having 10 thousand worm gnawing bite.
Hear Li Jia fell to hire, there is a kind of wonderful thing to be in suddenly in her heart cause -- if I cannot have happiness, so Nuo also cannot.
" wedding is in surely August, strange go out went 3, just come back after 4 months, after coming back, we can get married.
" the heart is expecting Sunuoman.
In July, be like air hotly to want upblaze, li Ji wants agog to see, his beautiful person, he comes to Home Su, of Home Su two often not be in the home, this message makes Li Ji very glad, the comes to Su Nuo boudoir of his excitedly9054