Introduce:Raise spirit most the place of be current, not cross Wu Zhongna peninsula, and it is with Xian patrol most! And Xian patrol raises ghost art former from ministry of chinese mainland southwest, be like Yunnan.
Sichuan is taken.
The Brahmanism that transmits with India teachs in shirt-sleeve place witch, develop nowadays fall an art that raise spirit.
And from Xian patrol the art that raise spirit passes the South Asia in coming again, especially with Malaysia most acridity! Introduce the two kinds of place's common method that raise spirit only below (the junior fellow apprentice that this is me is doing obeisance to the earning in Shi Xueyi to know in Yunnan in those days, wish to be shared with everybody, the netizen that lets me adds extensive information, add lie tissue color.
But undeserved everybody learns! Content: Rou of crash Xing ankle of crash Xing raiseds paths between fields? of potato lifter of of high and steep of fade of < wood falls commonly head rabbi loves to raise child spirit most, because child ghost is obedient, drive easily, won't rebellious, also do not have the evil influence of general severe ghost.
But child ghost hold a memorial ceremony for is experienced very not easy, draw materials is more difficult.
Child ghost price is not so low! (Be gambler and hooters at present love most) fall above all head rabbi must choose two to just absolutelied refuse to long child child () of male and female, the age must not exceed 10 years old.
Have moral rabbi, exchange a body to the family member with high price, only normally impoverished family just can make this trade.
But division of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease does not wish to spend a good deal of money to make this deal normally, and at in the still of night, taking hoe to wait toward the grave …… of child child collect after of two child child, have to the hold a memorial ceremony for on the horse is experienced.
Digital fall head rabbi is taking the club of dried meat candle with severe inflammation, burn toward the two chin that are child child, about 20 minutes or so, child child chin begins an oil giving a person.
At this moment rabbi puts away immediately dried meat candle, the hand is taking china bowl to catch person oil, arrive all the time drip till.
At this moment the person that rabbi must begin to take this bowl of child child is oily, put in law altar, begin 24 hours round-the-clock ceaselessly by turns another some of rabbi also is taking experienced …… of hold a memorial ceremony for two small bier (about 15 centimeter grow) , urge witch cuss ceaselessly beside, already placed in small coffin two honour woodcarving child resembles, (With the tree of two different color, place calls yin and yang the tree, vulture goes out one of Hei Yibai child like) , drill when hold a memorial ceremony for successive 98 days of after, the tribal chief of child Tong Jiang that has drilled modulation hold a memorial ceremony for is oily, in pouring small coffin respectively, prepare most the hold a memorial ceremony for of after phase is experienced.
Arrive most the phase with after experienced hold a memorial ceremony for, this one denomination is normally all the three person that drill with hold a memorial ceremony for, divide again batch, round-the-clock urge witch cuss ceaselessly, arrive the third day normally, two small coffin can appear Bai Yan! At this moment age is the oldest fall head rabbi, immediately will child with fall head cadaver oil loads same bottle (transparent) .
Also read aloud in Piao of old a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest at this moment fall divine cuss: The person that? of ぺ of Yi of this stew in shallow water comes loose becomes spirit, the person that get together becomes clever …&helli11547