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他走进去,看到了一幕,不该看的……………………………… 翌日,所在的警区派人员封锁了出事地点:湖边小屋,并派了有关人员进行调查。
阿见仔细打量,那女死者全身都发红,应该是血凝固后才会变成这样她………………” 突然,在阿见身后站着一个人,她拍了拍他,阿见就被吓着了。
“难道,你想知道?” “当然。
” “你不信。
最终她明白自己为什么被抛弃,为什么被讨厌,她决定……” “哎,这个死者的身份被证实了,你过来确定一下。
” “她决定报仇,她去寻找漂亮年轻的女孩,都把她们的剥下来,往自己的身上套,这样她就变漂亮了,她剥皮的技术真是了得,不流一滴血,死者不会有感觉,不会发出任何声音,不留蛛丝马迹。
” 阿见看着小姐好像见过似的。
“你不就是女死者吗?” “没错我就是那只幽灵。
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In a month black wind is tall, the night that fierce wind blows hard, cross false area to produce a case involving the killing of a person one case with the natural beauty of lakes and mountains and the black wood with mysterious and famous forest.
Be in that evening a cabin of lakefront, hotel clerk sends a meal to discover house however to the passenger crossing a holiday in this house in soundless, he pressed a doorbell a few times, come without the person, he just wanted to push the door, the door is pushed slowly automatically however, the lights in house is brilliant, suddenly, from the doorway to the thrill through in the window that go upstairs a black shadow, in the forest that disappears very quickly after house.
He goes in, saw one act, ought not to look.
the next day, of the place alarm area group staff blocked accident ground nods: Lakefront hut, sent concerned personnel to undertake investigating.
The entrepreneur A of the case sees want to be entered to the thing do not understand, he is taking assistant A A to walk into a house, having an accident is the master bedroom of the 2 buildings in the house.
"Wow, how to die so uglily.
" A sees start to talk above all.
"Hello, I am legal medical expert, .
" one A sees legal medical expert grasp handclasp, say: "This dead is to be a female, person of the yellow race, about 20 come year old, white-collar.
She must be I had seen throughout history is the most shameful to death.
There is a scar on the dead's body or be being worn is silt mark, also had not sufferred internal injury, looking is murderer use edge tool the back make sb the first aim of attack from the dead, pared the skin of the dead's whole body come down, most those who make me strange is the dead in the process that paring a bit blood had not flowed, this is very strange really.
" the without consulting anyone after legal medical expert says goes away.
A sees look up and down carefully, that female dead whole body is aglow, should be the ability after blood is caky can become such she.
" abrupt, see in A back is standing a person, she pats him, a sees be being frightened.
"Young lady, who do you look for.
" A sees polite ground asks.
Each person in this house also does not meet this young lady, they also were not managing, work merely.
"I look for you.
" that young lady replies with grave sound.
That young lady is having very long very long hair, half face is grown to send by this obscure, add her dress a suit is black take, whole looks good seem the young lady that works in funeral parlour.
"Do you look for me what to thing there is? " A sees ask.
"You did not provide this job, if you do not miss lose life.
" young lady warning says.
"How does this thing answer thing young lady, the thing that you know to this case is concerned? " A sees ask again.
" , do you want to know? " " of course.
" A sees.
"So you can not regret.
" that young lady sits gently toward sofa, a sees also sit.
"I tell you, there is one in this forest only ghostliness12675