记的有一种香水叫kiss of devil(好象是这样拼的吧),很浓的味道…… 5月14日的晚上是一个电闪雷鸣的夜晚,现在已经是11点半了,时钟还在滴答滴答的走着,屋子里死寂一般,偶尔的一两个闪电,才打破了这种黑暗。
一阵开锁声,"小漆?" "荻荻吧?""啊!是我,我还因为你睡了呢。
下楼之后,汽车尾号为FgTeww1411 的奔驰车急驰而去。
Introduce:Write down a kind of perfume calls Kissofdevil (good seem such going all out) , very thick flavour.
May 14 the night that night is a thunder and bolt, now had been at 11 o'clock half, clock still is in tick tick going, the deathly stillness in the house is general, 9 now and then lightning, just broke this kind of night.
The lamp of the head of a bed shined gradually, xiaoqi takes a watch to look say: "So late, a kind of reed of a kind of reed also do not come back.
"The accommodation that a kind of reed of a kind of reed and small lacquer are university of J city W is unripe, because was tired of an university,life of 3 years adds the dormitory to was about to graduate immediately, they lived to come down in Xx village before 6 months.
One opens Suo Sheng, "Xiaoqi? "A kind of reed of " a kind of reed? "" ! It is me, I still slept because of you.
"" is done not have, just wake.
"" how to just come back so late? "" , circle in the air the car is bad, rain later, we are all the time in the car, came next a Taxi, he sent me to come back ''" oh! "(because of inconvenience, omit below quote) Xiaoqi, he still will make an appointment with me tomorrow oh! I see a kind of reed of a kind of reed still did not go, see he does not have well heart to you in the eyes of my Cong Xiang.
Alas, good Xiaoqi, you often say to want beware of to wear to me who who, you see me be not returned now is all the time be worldly wise and make oneself safe! But his eye follows others different ah! I know you want to say his eye is frosty, I had said with you cannot of judge people with their appearance! Not, a kind of reed of a kind of reed this did not concern with judge people with their appearance, I see in school doorway he feels not right last, like asing if to feel with what see a the dead, you still leave him a bit further! Good, xiaoqi, I know you are good to me, for my consider, but I can have handled the issue of myself, ! Come, we sleep, do not go considering those issues! The following day, a kind of reed, I go to the library, want to just come back a bit later, yourself prepares a meal eat! Oh! Knew to strike door tone as bang, the waveringly before a kind of reed of a kind of reed apparels to stand trimly in the mirror should wear her blue waves necklace, listen to transmit downstairs only blast the car cries the sound of flute circle in the air, I come! A kind of reed of a kind of reed is developing the window to cry.
After next buildings, car end date is FgTeww1411 run quickly to the car runs quickly and go.
The day rained again, circle in the air car bad.
In a grove, circle in the air say to a kind of reed of a kind of reed: A kind of reed, we avoid take shelter from rain! Good! Then circle in the air cuddle is worn a kind of reed, a kind of reed of a kind of reed leans close in circle in the air a tree will fall in bosom.
Circle in the air say: A kind of reed, how do you feel to mine? Very good, I had decided, you are my boy friend, won't change! A kind of reed of a kind of reed acts like a spoiled child of the gender say, circle in the air cuddle of a kind of reed of a kind of reed closer.
A kind of reed of a kind of reed feels have a few obstruct10083