x大的鬼故事很多,而且都很有名,其中最有名的,当属醉月湖和傅钟二十 五的故事。
醉月湖是x大里最美丽的地方,尤其夜晚,更是许多恋爱 中男女学生的幽会胜地,造就了不少浪漫的故事。
然而爱情故事有喜有悲, 醉月湖固然促使许多恋人的感情直线上升,但是也成为失恋男女痛苦的追思之地 。
曾经有个女学生因为男朋友移情别恋,常常跑到醉月湖畔他们以前常 去的地方凭吊、流泪,後来却因在湖畔撞见男朋友和他的新欢卿卿我我,一时心 碎肠断 ,愤而投湖自杀,一缕芳岁含怨而逝。
不 过,从来没有人看清楚她的模样,她也从不加害於人,长久以来,人鬼倒也并存 而相安无事。
因为女鬼是女学生为情自杀的化身,所以热恋中的男女来到醉月湖畔,女孩 子们总爱用这个故事为例,警告男朋友不可变心,否则她也会如法炮制,变成厉 鬼来找他讨命。
在这种情况之下,醉月湖女鬼遂成为x大校园里另一种爱情誓言 的见证人。
*** 除了醉月湖之外,x大的精神指标──傅钟,也曾发生过女学生在钟下苦候爱人 不至,愤而自杀的情事,後来就有了女鬼在傅钟下鹄候的传闻。
更玄妙的是 ,只 要有人在傅钟下看见那个传说中的女鬼,当天晚上十二点,傅钟就一定会自动敲 响二十五响,似乎是在为那个女鬼哀悼,钟声听起来都有点悲伤的味道。
有一回,她在暑假期间返回 拿东西,後来因为有点累了,便躺在自己的床上小睡。
由於宿舍相当闷 热,睡著睡著,正迷迷糊糊之№,何沅君忽然被一阵心悸惊醒过来,两眼才一睁 开,便看见书桌前面站了一个女人。
到底是不是女人,何沅君後来一直 也不敢肯定,因为那时她看见的景象是模糊一片,根本分不清那个人是男是女( 何沅君是个大近视,当时她正摘下眼镜小憩一番。
),只能由她的穿著及体型上 来辨别。
何沅君被这个女人吓了一跳,继而又发现自己不能动弹,原本还有点迷糊的 神智,在那一瞬间全都清醒过来。
问题是,她的神智清醒,反而让她全身上下都紧张起来,因为她不仅不能动 ,而且也叫不出声音来;更要命的是,那女人一直定住不定地站在书桌前看著她 ,不晓得下一步想做什堋? 何沅君越想心里越害怕,冷汗一滴一滴地淌 湿了全身。
两个人就这样凝望了一段时间,最後还是走廊传来脚步声才化解了这 个局。
那个女人如轻烟般消散,而何沅君也随著那个女人的消失,瞬即 恢复了行动的自由。
她一个翻身便滚下床,急忙戴上眼镜,却发现房间里根本没 有人;再打开门一看,隔壁寝室正好有个人要进去。
「没有啊!」 何沅君退回房里,只见自己的床上被自己的汗水印出一道人形,不禁失笑出声 ,可是一转念,马上联想到刚刚站在书桌前的那个女人一定是鬼,要不然怎堋会 来无影、去无踪? 一想及此,何沅君登时打了一个冷颤,马上收拾好东西,逃也似的离开了宿 社。
有一天晚上,何沅 君和室友聊天,聊著聊著,何沅君突然聊起了她暑假回宿舍撞见鬼的事情,然而 她的室友却不相信有这回事。
何沅君无趣地揉了一张纸,泄愤似的将那 团纸扔进的垃圾桶里。
奇怪的是,过了几秒钟之後,那团纸居然自己从垃圾桶弹 跳了出来。
何沅君看傻了眼,拿起垃圾桶来看,里面除了纸屑之外,并没有其他 奇怪的东西。
「你怎堋啦?没事抱著垃圾统干什堋呢?」室友看何沅君有点失神的样子, 便轻轻推了她一下。
「好奇怪喔!我刚刚丢了一张纸下去,那张纸居然自己会跳起来!」何沅君如 大梦初醒,一脸惊异地讲述自己刚刚所看见的异象。
「不会吧!一定是 你看走眼了。
」 「不会错的,你看!」为了证明自己的话,何沅君将那张纸捡了起来,又重 新丢进垃圾桶里。
「怎样,没骗你吧!」何沅君得意洋洋地对室友说,却发现室友一脸惊怖地 瞪著窗外。
何沅君被室友的神情吓了一跳,也转头去看窗外,只见窗外 浮著一个女人,面无表情地看著她们。
何沅君吓得扯开喉咙尖叫,和室友两个人 抱在一起猛发抖,而窗外的人渐渐地往上浮,没多久就消失了。
其他人闻声赶至,问何沅君她们发生了什堋事,何沅君结结巴巴地将刚刚的 事叙述了一遍,还把那张纸拿出来再扔进垃圾桶里,可是这一次那张纸可就没有 再跳出来了,众人自然都不相信何沅君的话,无趣地各自散去。
至於何沅君和她的室友,至今还弄不懂那天发生的事倒底是真的还是假的, 不过她和室友倒是做了一件事,她们两个人合资买了一幅窗廉挂在窗户上,而且 打从那个时候开始,那扇窗户就再也没有打开过了
Introduce:The ghost story with big x is very much, and very famous, among them the famousest, should belong to female ghost of drunk month lake and Fu Zhong the story of 25.
Drunk month lake is the most beautiful place in garden of x senior colonel, especially night, it is the tryst resort of student of the men and women in a lot of love more, brought up many romantic love story.
However love story be pregnant has Bei, drunk month lake makes the feeling of a lot of lovers rise sharply admittedly, but also become be lovelorn the men and women seeks the ground that consider bitterly.
Because the boy friend loves another person,once had a schoolgirl, often run to drunk month lakefront the place that often goes before them is visited, weep, later however because boy friend and his new sweetheart Qing Qing is met by chance in lakefront I, temporarily heartbreak bowel is broken, anger and the suicide that cast a lake, a fragrant year old bear a grudge and die.
Begin from at that time, drunk month lake often appears in midnight a white garment woman that wanders not to go.
Nevertheless, never the person sees well her about, she also never Wu Ren of do harm to, for quite a long time, person ghost also coexists and live in peace with each other.
What because female ghost is a schoolgirl,commit suicide for affection is reincarnate, so the men and women in be passionately in love comes to drunk month lakefront, girl people total love is with this story exemple, admonitory boy friend cannot cease to be faithful, otherwise she also is met do sth following a set pattern, become severe ghost to look for him to demand a lot.
It is under this kind of circumstance, female ghost of drunk month lake becomes the witness of oath of another kind of love in garden of x senior colonel then.
* * * besides drunk month lake, the Fu Zhong of ─ of mental index ─ with big x , ever also had produced a schoolgirl to await a sweetheart painstakingly below the bell not to come, anger and suicidal affection thing, later had female ghost to play the rumor that swan awaits in Fu Zhong.
More abstruse is, want somebody to see the female ghost in that fokelore below Fu Zhong only, that day in the evening at 12 o'clock, fu Zhong knocks 25 sounds automatically noisy with respect to regular meeting, it is it seems that mourning for that female ghost, ding sounds the taste that has bit of sadness.
Nevertheless He Yuanjun's experience can do not have that Peng romance.
Have bout, she returns school dormitory to take a thing during summer vacation, because later is a bit tired, lie in the nap on oneself bed.
By comparative at the dormitory fuggy, sleep sleep, confused № , he Yuanjun is slept lightly to come over by a heart-throb suddenly, two ability are opened, saw a woman stands before desk.
It is a woman after all, he Yuanjun later also dare not affirm all the time, be being resembled because of the situation that she sees in those days is to blur, essential component is not clear then the individual is male it is female (He Yuanjun is a big myopia, she is picking next glasses at that time small rest one time.
) , can wear by hers only reach bodily form to come up discern.
He Yuanjun was frightened by this woman jump, then discovers he is not active again play, return a bit confused look originally wisdom, in that flashy all regains consciousness come over.