Introduce:Young lady, excuse me when? "At 11 o'clock 59 " " very artful A, my watch also was at 11 o'clock 59, do we have a reason very much? " " ah, it is A it is A.
We have a reason very much really " since vacant sound sound, offend wool of the one paroxysm in Lin Dong heart, that girl slowly turn overdo, complexion is livid, the eyes is empty, the hair is messy, how to meet such look familiar? Lin Dong is thinking, seem to had seen where, had seen where.
A, it is her, lin Dong has turned the head is rapid at a gallop " do not run in disorder A, do not run, careful car.
" she has been in from the back sent mad chase after madly, the edge runs to crying with hoarse voice by the side of, he was sent in front run madly, next brake sound, lin Dong was bumped to fly, in the lay off in sky a parabola, on the heavy ground that falls in cement reinforcing steel bar, blood stream full ground.
Before a month, the clever lovely female secretary young slave that Lin Dong's company came to grow, lin Dong one liked to go up clever and lovely young slave, young midday slave drives a file in the company, lin Dong took meal to give young slave, circle young slave backside stealthily, pressing voice to say: "Young lady, excuse me now when? " young slave head also did not answer said " at 11 o'clock 59 " " very artful, my watch also was at 11 o'clock 59 " young slave is stupefied, looking at Lin Dong later, attack Chi one acoustical laugh " still do not go out so late to have a meal? " Lin Dong is deeply concerned ask.
"Still a bit finish " " have a meal first, nuo " one is taken out from backside like Lin Dong conjure handy, young slave admits to look at the man before really, be touched in the heart be in a complete mess, lin Dong is opposite later young slave is better, be in eventually one of these day, young slave promised to be together with this man.
They lived together, without any exceed, lin Dong pilot is very painstaking.
Lin Dong's brother says Lin Dong good for nothing, that day, lin Dong drank a lot of wine, very much really, so that be answered groggily,looked at the young slave that a moment ago came out inside the bathroom to lose reason in the home, young slave struggles desperately desperately, revolt desperately desperately, lin Dong is enraged red eye, lost reason, fan young slave one a slap on the face, the pillow that conveniently takes at hand covers Xiang Xiaonu's head, young slave does not have mutinous effort, final both hands hangs down feebly in bedside.
Lin Dong crosses a body, breathe out breathe out with respect to go off, did not realize oneself were done completely how how wrong thing, awake early in the morning the following day, on the side of discovery the body of young slave, also fear to rise unexpectedly in the heart, for play truant, he throws cadaver of young slave cent to outskirts.