Introduce:Laozhang is the boss of inn of a fruit, a day night late, old Zhang Zhun closes fully come home, at this moment, the person that came to wear a raincoat, she is low head, laozhang loses sight of her face, she said a work with Laozhang: "Boss, I should buy a poll.
" Laozhang is dead, die in the home, but, laozhang's head was done not have, laozhang's son listens to a friend to say to a kind of method can be communicated with the soul, son Luo Luo of Laozhang called up inferior day.
Small bud and Xiaoshuai, issueing rain in the evening that day, in old Zhang Jiali, 4 individual handle are put on a piece of red paper, ignite a candle, be in at this moment, a raincoat appeared on the balcony, friend small bud asks: "Laozhang, is your head over there? " be in at this moment, weird sound transmitted in the room: "At the back of the door in fruit inn.
" the 3rd day, everybody comes to fruit inn, discovered Laozhang's head at the back of the door, xiaoshuai is frightened dizzy in the past, but, who is the person that wears a raincoat, at this moment, inferior the day spoke a responsibility: Not long ago, a woman died, but her head also disappeared.
This day night, the head that everybody prepares to ask Laozhang that woman is in that (ghost can know a lot of things) , everybody resembling is same yesterday, put finger on red paper, small bud asked again: "Is the head of Xxx in? " " by cliff of 10 thousand people, " weird sound say.
Everybody discovered the head of Xxx as expected to cliff of 10 thousand people.
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