VamPiRe 抬头看了一下墙上的挂钟,时间是晚上十点四十分。
VamPiRe 感到很亲切。
VamPiRe 是个老网虫了,大概在互联网刚刚走进国门的时候,他就开始上网了。
他不但把“VamPiRe”注册掉,而且将与“VamPiRe ”有关的名字统统强到手,比如“吸血僵尸”,“吸血鬼”,“VamPiReS”,“daRKeNVamPiRe ”等等。
VamPiRe 自己并没有机器,他在网吧上网。
VamPiRe 穿黑色的长外套。
聊天室是最近人气很高的一个,VamPiRe 在这里有很多朋友,他们都曾经聊得很熟。
VamPiRe 对他们说着:“hi,你们好!”没有人回答,这令VamPiRe 感到很奇怪。
VamPiRe 想:世态炎凉,才一个月没有来,他们都不认识我了。
时钟指向零点,本该是最热闹的时候,聊天室里却几乎没有人了,只剩几个生面孔在无聊的瞎扯淡VamPiRe 想,换个聊天室吧。
VamPiRe 清楚的记得,“黑暗吸血鬼”这个名字是他自己注册的,没有人知道密码,那么现在这个黑暗吸血鬼是谁呢?VamPiRe 想:也许是那个网管朋友在开玩笑吧。
”VamPiRe 说:“别跟我闹,你y 是小三吧?”黑暗说:“我是吸血鬼。
”VamPiRe 说:“我是VamPiRe ,网上只有我一个VamPiRe ,大家都知道,我有很多朋友。
”VamPiRe 冷笑说:“你的意思是说,你是一个鬼?”黑暗说:“是的。
”黑暗说:“你不信么?”VamPiRe 感到不对劲,他发现,黑暗吸血鬼的发言后面跟了一个贴图,是一张僵尸的脸。
VamPiRe 说:“对不起,请等我一下。
大约过了一分钟,结果出现了,对方的iP是“-1 -2 -3 -4 ”,路由中经过的所有的服务器都前所未闻。
VamPiRe 的动作变得迟缓,不知基于什么样的考虑,他又一次进入了这个聊天室。
黑暗吸血鬼对VamPiRe 说:“可悲的人,现在你相信了么?”VamPiRe说:“相信什么?你以为这些把戏能吓倒我么?”黑暗说:“有意思,第一次见到像你这样的人。
”VamPiRe 说:“凭什么?”黑暗说:“我相信你刚才是查我的iP去了,你是第一个看到我的iP还敢进来的人。
”VamPiRe 面前的显示器一闪,忽然熄灭了。
VamPiRe 呆呆地看着屏幕,没有动。
僵尸挣开了眼睛,说:“你是VamPiRe ?”VamPiRe 说:“没错,我来得比你早。
”僵尸注视着VamPiRe ,说:“这里好亮,我很难受。
”VamPiRe 说:“我已经习惯了。
”VamPiRe 说:“是吗?”僵尸说:“我走了。
”VamPiRe 说:“好的,再见。
VamPiRe 呆呆地坐了一会,起身离开了网吧。
一条黑暗的小巷里,身材瘦高的VamPiRe 抱住了一个美丽的女人,他微曲的长发和黑色的风衣在飘扬。
VamPiRe 用他深陷的眼睛看着怀中这个女人,惨白的脸上现出微笑。
Introduce:VamPiRe looks up the wall clock that saw a wall go up, time is in the evening 10:40.
Ground of his firm firm smoked a cigarette, if a snap of the fingers flies, knock next network address adroitly, press next carriage return key, the interfacial scroll of chatting room rises.
VamPiRe feels very kind.
VamPiRe is an old network bug, just walk into a country in Internet probably the door when, he began to get online.
Each are big website, chatting room has his name almost.
He not only " VamPiRe " register, and will with " VamPiRe " concerned name completely strong in one's hand, for instance " corpse suction blood " , "Bloodsucker " , "VamPiReS " , "DaRKeNVamPiRe " etc.
Him VamPiRe does not have a machine, he gets online in the Internet bar.
Beijing has the boss of a lot of Internet bars to remember, once had seen this complexion is cadaverous, expression is callous, those who approving a neat shoulder is small the youth of the long hair that coil.
VamPiRe wears long jacket of black.
Chatting room is a morale of the closest person is very high, vamPiRe has a lot of friends here, they once chatted very soundly.
VamPiRe is saying to them: "Hi, you are good! " reply without the person, this makes VamPiRe feels very strange.
In chatting room at a draught disappear stopped a lot of.
Some people talk no longer, some people leave a line hurriedly.
VamPiRe thinks: The ways of the world is hot and cold, a month did not come to ability, they do not know me.
Clock is pointed to at 0 o'clock, ought be the most lively when, there is a person almost however in chatting room, remnant gives birth to face a few times to think in VamPiRe of dull blind talk nonsense, change a chatting room.
At that time, the thing that expect is less than happened.
Chatting room announces say: Dark bloodsucker enters chatting room.
VamPiRe remembers clearly, "Dark bloodsucker " he himself registers this name, know a code without the person, so now who is this dark bloodsucker? VamPiRe thinks: Perhaps be that net tubal friend is joking.
He says to dark bloodsucker: "You who ah? " darkness says: "I am bloodsucker.
" VamPiRe says: "Do not be troubled by with me, is your Y small 3? " darkness says: "I am bloodsucker.
" VamPiRe says: "I am VamPiRe, there is my VamPiRe only on the net, everybody knows, I have a lot of friends.
" darkness says: "But I am bloodsucker really, this is the fact that does not dispute.
" VamPiRe sneers say: "Your means says, are you a ghost? " darkness says: "Yes.
" Vam13112