扮鬼是最的一种恶作剧,稍稍拿捏不准,不是活活把人吓死,就是遭 被吓者活活打死,所以这种玩笑还是少开为妙。
尤其是扮鬼吓人不成,反而引来真鬼夺命,那才叫作可怕呢! * * * 苗x国小的墙壁上,曾经写过「保密防谍」四个大字(事实上,以前各学 校的里常常可以看见这样的字眼),後来发生过一件怪事之後,那间厕所就真 的成为全校师生心目中敬而远之的「防谍中心」了。
比如在上厕所的时候,听到闷闷的哭声,或者是木屐走路的喀声,因此,一些胆 小的学生都不敢去那间厕所。
除了莫名其妙的怪声音之外,入夜後,常常有人看见 厕所旁边有白影晃动,於是厕所闹鬼之说便不棼而走。
根据那名老 师的形容,那张白脸白惨惨的一点血性也没有,两只血红的眼睛恶狠狠地盯住她, 吓得她一跤跌倒在地,後来好不容易鼓足勇气站起来,那张脸却已杳无踪影。
不过校方的解释却指称那是匪谍故意扮鬼吓人,要学生小心提防;後来校方又 说那是一些变态者,偷偷潜近厕所旁偷窥,要学生最好结伴去上厕所,以防惨遭狼 吻。
不管是匪谍扮鬼吓人,还是变态者装鬼偷窥,最後因为厕所死了一个人,这才 搞清楚厕所闹鬼的怪事,果然是人为的,大家才安下心来。
* * * 那天正好是早上的打扫时间,几个负责打扫厕所的学生发现里头有道门打不开 ,有个学生想翻墙过去开门,才攀上墙头,马上就怪叫一声,从墙上摔了下来。
鬼!」 大家一听有鬼,登时全都吓得一哄而散,赶紧找老师来处理。
老师随着学生的 指引,也攀上墙头往那间厕所里看,果然里头躺着一个很可怕的人。
老师马上驱散学生,叫校工打开门,只见躺在厕所里的那个人,脸上涂着白色 的油彩,猛然一看倒也教人大吃一惊。
更可怕的是,那个人的头居然被扭转至背後,嘴角还残留着一抹乌黑的血渍, 很显然的,那个人是被人活活地扭断脖子而死。
由於他脸上画着浓浓的白色油彩, 一般均认为那个人就是常去厕所偷窥的变态者。
虽然也有人怀疑那个人的死状为什麽会如此凄惨,但警方没有任何追查线索, 只好把这件事当作悬案,而厕所闹鬼之说只好到此告一段落。
* * * 告一段落并不表示结束,或许是因为那个变态者横死在厕所里的缘故,过没几 个月,那间厕所真的发生了闹鬼的怪事。
刚开始,那间厕所因为曾经发生过命案而封闭了一段时间,後来因为学生的要 求,才又重心打开启用。
重新使用的前几个月倒也没发生什麽事情,顶多就是学生进去的时候,会觉得 里头有点阴森,好像装有天然冷气似的。
後来就慢慢传出了一些怪闻,诸如厕所的门明明已经上锁,却会无缘无故地打 开来;或者是有人在上厕所时,忽然被人重重地捏一下屁股,可是回头却又看不到 人,吓得他们都不敢再去那间厕所。
」徐瑞萍想起那件撞 鬼的事,心里头还有点惊悸。
之前,徐瑞萍就已经听说那间厕所里有些怪事,所以她去上厕所的时候,心里 也就觉得有些毛毛的,所以她每次都是和同学一起去,因此也就没那麽害怕。
「你先上吧!我在外面等你!」 徐瑞萍的同学好心地让徐瑞萍先使用厕所,徐瑞萍点点头便走了进去。
一开始徐瑞萍也不觉得有什麽异状,过了一会儿,忽然觉得身後传来一阵森冷 的寒意,同时觉得有人在窥看她,令她全身毛骨悚然,微微地不太自在。
忽然,她 的背後被人拍了一下,徐瑞萍不假思索地转头去看,登时被眼前的景象吓得尖叫出 声。
徐瑞萍一转头,只见一张白惨惨的脸孔居然贴在墙壁上,冲着她对她咧嘴一笑 。
这一笑可吓飞了徐瑞萍的三魂七魄,手忙脚乱地打开门,一个箭步就要往外冲, 就在这个时候,徐瑞萍只觉得头皮一紧,吓得她哭叫起来: 「不要抓我的头发!不要抓我的头发!!」 等在外面的同学被徐瑞萍的举动吓了一大跳,抬头一看,却见徐瑞萍的身後站 了一个人,也吓得哭了起来。
这两个人一哭叫,厕所里所有的人全都围了过来,徐 瑞萍身後的人登时消失不见。
徐瑞萍只觉得头皮一松,马上冲出那间厕所,和尾随 而至的同学蹲在地上抱头痛哭。
至於日後是不 是还有类似的事情发生,徐瑞萍可就不知道了。
Introduce:Play the part of ghost fearsome be most bloodcurdling a kind of mischief, in a way is taken hold forbid, not be while still alive scares the person dead, while still alive of the person that be frightened namely by beats dead, so this kind of fun leaves less still had better.
Play the part of ghost especially fearsome won't do, draw true ghost to seize a life instead, that ability calls dreariness! On the wall of small toilet of country of x of seedling of * * * , once had written " confidential prevent espionage " 4 big character (in fact, such word often can see in the campus of each school before) , later happening crosses the after of an oddity, of the in making frame of mind of entire school teachers and students stay at a respectful distance from sb with that true toilet " the center that prevent espionage " .
Do not know what moment begins, that toilet arrives crepuscular, the sound with can have a few strange arises.
Going up for instance toilet when, hear the cry that covers tightly frowzily, or the sound of noise made in coughing or vomiting that clogs walks, accordingly, a few recreant students dare not go that toilet.
Besides indescribable strange sound, at nightfall after, often somebody sees there is white picture rock on the side of the toilet, at be toilet be haunted say not to confused and go.
Later, have a teacher going up when the toilet, be frightened so that cried by a piece of terrible face outside the window.
According to the appearance of that teacher, that piece of villain is white miserable miserable a bit courage and uprightness also is done not have, two blood-red eye is ferocious ground gaze at she, frighten she one Jiao falls, later is good not easy encouraged stands up, that piece of face already distanted and out of sight however without sign.
Nevertheless school square explanation shows weighing that is bandit espionage however play the part of ghost intentionally fearsome, want student caution beware of; The person that later school just says that is a few allergy again, go secretly peep by close toilet, want a student best accompany goes going up toilet, suffer the wolf is kissed in case.
No matter be bandit espionage,play the part of ghost fearsome, abnormal still person outfit ghost peeps, most after died because of the toilet a person, this ability makes clear the oddity of Hunan toilet be haunted, it is factitious as expected, how does everybody just leave a heart.
* * * as it happens was in the morning that day clean time, a few students that are in charge of cleaning a toilet discover within has the door to cannot be opened, a student thinks past turning over a wall opens the door, just climb the top of a wall, cry quite immediately, fell from the wall.
" have.
Ghost! " everybody listens to there is sth fishy, immediately all is frightened break up a hubbub, look for a teacher to handle rapidly.
Teacher as the student how-to, also climb the top of a wall to go to look in that toilet, as expected within is lying very dread.
The teacher breaks up immediately student, call gyp to open the door, see that individual that lies in the toilet only, the besmear on the face is worn white greasepaint, look to also teach National People's Congress to eat one Jing abruptly.
More terrible is, then the individual's head is turned round to come unexpectedly back after, corners of the mouth still is remaining a pitch-black blood be soiled, very apparent, then the individual is by the person7520