Introduce:Zhangsan and Li Si killed a person, be now in big hill flee in disorder of risk one's life needlessly, seek old one eyed person at the same time, a person blind in one eye is cruel and evil crafty, he also flees for his life along this line go ahead of the rest.
Flash went two days, two people are so cold that two people tremble continuously, hungrier the back after the heart before getting is stuck, be about to be not propped up soon, be in there is one subgroup sheep before discovery at this moment, not much, can count piece, full 10, make two " hungry wolf " of be overjoyed is, without goatherd.
Be in at this moment a ground of particularly corpulent Yang Jing not know what's good was greeted actively, still call out persistently in the mouth.
Zhangsan and Li Sixin say is you, at once before in pairs attacks, at one's convenience this only fat sheep struggles desperately, still be trunnion be cuttinged off by fast knife, die.
Can decorticate in two people the accident when analyse abdomen happened, the chela of this only fat sheep is covering a ring unexpectedly on foot, get off to see two people astonied: Ring has seen, be like be …… old a person blind in one eye.
Is this how to return a responsibility? Be in charge of him, probable it is the old when choose road flees for his life, did not lose unbearably, be given to walk to cover by this sheep fitly again went up.
Not great time two people almost dispose of a whole sheep, happy, somebody howls rise, turn around to look, bad, goatherd came, awful is, there is a gun in goatherd hand.
Zhang Sanhe Li Si resembles bunny same start, instantly separately flee in disorder, those who make Zhang Sangao is promoted is, goatherd chases Li Si.
Zhang San did not run in disorder like head fly, also did not know to run how long, there is one person awesomely before discovering a small hole suddenly, not be others, carrying the goatherd of the gun just about, be one can't avoid one's enemy really! Zhang San eyeball turns, have an idea, at once pitiable say: "Gentleman, I am a tourist, got lost, can you take me to give mountain? " as expected, goatherd was duped as expected, apparent a moment ago brash a look that he did not see clear Zhang San.
Goatherd says: "OK of course, was opposite, are you cold? I this still has jacket of a sheepskin.
" cold the Zhang San that must be no good sees great rejoicing, busy incessantly ground puts on sheepskin coat, be in discover incorrect interest at this moment: There is Yang Man slow gather together to come beside goatherd, doubtful is, these sheep full 10.
Incorrect and incorrect, previous 10 sheep were eaten by us, should be 9 ability are opposite, how to still have 10? Be in at this moment that sheep of nob cried, and weepy, zhang San looks amazedly, this pair of eyes too the eye that resembles …… Li Si! Bad, have bluff somebody into giving information! (Ghost story: HTtp:/// is reprinted ask reservation! ) Zhang Sangang wants to move, had not enough time, cover the ovine fur-lined jacket on the body to be tightened up suddenly, get closely not5916