如果一切重来,我决不爱上任何人类`` 一滴一滴眼泪,琥珀色的光,很多事情的结局总忘却过程。
“为什么?!”男人霍的转过身来:“你有什么资格问为什么!当初要不是我拣你回来,你早在酒巴里烂掉了!” 女人颓然:“你为什么要拣我回来,为什么要对我好……”一滴泪挂在眼角,该是伤心的,偏象精心描画的装饰。
男人的嘴唇动了动,终没有说,半晌,吐出一句:“不可理喻!”便向门外走,抛下一句话:“你慢慢呆着吧!” 女人一楞,没想到他说走就走,眼看他离门越来越近离自己越来越远,只觉得手足无措头脑空白,一口冷气倒吸进来,将心冻得硬梆梆凉冰冰的。
” “求你?”男人冷哼一声:“你省省吧。
” “你做的那点破事我可全知道,要是我将这些事捅出去,你就完了。
” 男人猛回头,脸色青灰,但他毕竟是很聪明的人,数十秒不到,脸色已恢复正常,并微微露出笑意。
他慢慢地走回女人身边,看上去和平时一样的温文儒雅,和蔼可亲,完全找不到开始的忿怒:“你开玩笑吧,我有什么事怕被人知道?” 女人被这种突出其来的和蔼可亲激动得头晕目眩,她嗫嚅着:“你有的,那天你和老大的话我都听见了,我都知道了……,”她赶忙又说:“你放心,我不会说的,我谁都不说。
” 男人几乎用很温柔的眼光看着她。
” 男人也用低低的声音回:“我也是。
” “有一样东西,本想过两天送给你的,可我觉得今天其实也很合适。
” 女人身子前倾,嘴唇凑上男人的耳垂:“可是……” “嗯?”男人用手扶女人的肩,不想沾一身的血,忽觉腹中一凉,低头,两把惨白的骨刀生生切入自己的腹部。
在的下水道,一个声音幽幽地回响: “如果一切重来,我绝不爱上任何人类。
Introduce:If everything comes again, I fall in love with any human `` anything but a tear, amber light, the ending of a lot of things always forgets a process.
Incessant brawl, of very old love the new and loathe the old.
"I tell you, make a round trip from which which go, pestering me in this! " man the violent rage of one face, the blue veins on forehead dash forward dash forward the ground jumps.
The woman shrinks in wall edge, left hand cinch a late bagging, body feebly recumbent wall, a black clothes more appear body body is frail.
"Don't you go? " the man's cravat is crooked aside, did not have already completely at ordinary times gent demeanour.
The woman still is not throat, a pair of big eyes that applied film of eye of massiness La Lu are staring at a man surely surely.
Appearance of this pair of eyes is very beautiful, eyelash grows to coil again again, eye socket is deep and fruity, the radian of eyelid is in to eyebrow bone from eye socket very implicative, arrived on eye end deflection carry, give a person clever and enchanting sense.
Just lost fawn on completely already at the moment be puzzled, because decide calm ground to see a person, this eye is resembled desire pluvial cloud, contain full sadness.
"Do not use eye goggle at I, do you know not to know you are very irritated really? ! " a hold tight plays the man cravat, face about should go.
" bleak and feminine voice is hoarse, too long without phonate, vocal cords hair works: "Why? Why? ! " sound ray is taller and taller acerber and acerber, curiuming like saw blade steel tube, wear from ear film go in, arrive directly at the person's cerebra.
"Why? ! " the man's suddenly face about comes: "You have what qualification to ask why! At the outset I choose if it were not for you come back, you are in early wine cling to in rot! " the woman dejecteds: "Why should you choose me, it why want is good to me to why want.
" a tear is hanged in canthus, should be sad, slant the adornment with elaborate and painted elephant.
The life is to laugh at a person so: Glad when look genuine of enough of tear of a diamond is stuck on the face, true tear flows to appear hypocritical instead.
The man's lip is moved, did not say eventually, quite a while, spit: "Be impenetrable! " to go outside the door, cast a word: "You are staying slowly! " woman one arris, did not think of he says to go, soon he leaves the door closer and closer to leave his further and further, become aware lose one's head brains is blank only, an air conditioning is sucked, heart aspic cool ice puts hard rat-tat rat-tat on the ice.
"Good, you go, " she is like already complete and sober, the snout of complete formulation: "Do not come back to beg me later.
" " beg you? " the man is cold hum: "You save a province.
" " I can know the thing of that lays bare that you do completely, if I go out these thing disclose, you were over.
" the man is violent turn round, complexion blueness is grey, but he is very clever person after all, tens of seconds do not arrive, complexion already returned to normal, show a smile slightly.
He goes female slowly12553