突然自己的手机响了起来,这居然不是他的手机铃声《Bad Romance》,而是诡异的风铃声,而更诡异的是他没有交话费,手机停机几个多月了,现在怎么会有电话能打的进来!他看着手机上显示的对方号码区,是空白的!还是忐忑的按下接听键,嘟----没有说话声音,他就又忐忑的挂了电话。
还有《只能改一次的作业》又名《改不了的作业》在下个星期会有 !谢谢大家支持啊!
Introduce:The composition that can write only (the name does not make the work that attend) a high school student that king XX is XX middle school, there is little difference foolishly in the class now " heart " early do not know flying where goes, those who go up is Chinese class, those who take is ghost story however.
Teacher above the lecture with insurgent passion, he is in however below with pleasure, look bright, be in at this moment a word of arise suddenly gives him from airy world pullbacked reality.
"King XX! Attend class you are in next what to see, now is to attending class, it is to getting on Chinese class to know not! Receive that what book, very Orphean class! " the teacher howls to him say.
The teacher just said, he says ∶ in a low voice in teacher backside make a face " hum! Next time I take a mobile phone to read electronic book, I see you can take me how appearance is pulled, I did not believe you to be able to break my mobile phone.
" " how the teacher also doesn't tell me, kill me to be scolded by the teacher " he is opposite again with desk complain.
"Ah, I forgot " with desk answer.
Now him also can attend a lecture, good those who collect is class of this Chinese on the section, he returns Chinese class at least other subject understands unlike one sentence euqally not.
The teacher was apart from what when the end still does not have, hurry to assign task in this class, write a novel or the topic that choose to be concerned with the novel to be a composition namely.
At this moment he shines at the moment, what the heart thinks this composition title goes out is good! Write a novel, oneself like to read horror fiction so, ghost story, liking is Wc, have a meal, still also seeing ghost story in the dream, that oneself also writes a ghost story.
That is in the heart glad ah.
He returns household to did not arrive home to run quickly to computer to open as usual like that tonight play game, write on the desk however removed that composition that the teacher decorates today, wrote a teacher to assign task, a student searchs.
Do not have inspiration, open computer to go on the net next Baidu is searched " ghost story " , look in light of can find inspiration from other ghost story, good continue to be written down.
After search is over, firm preparation takes rat punctuation stroke to leave, appear suddenly at this moment an unfamiliar website, there is the composition of a lot of classifications above, as it happens he also need not so troublesome, this website came out automatically.
He turns over the webpage downward, he sees a headline that has been clicked by the mouse, that caption is red there still is another person to had clicked ability to be able to stay outside dividing his apparently.
He is interrogative click accordingly come in, breaking up to look to suit oneself horrible composition downward.
At this moment he sees a headline is " the composition that can write only " , this caption also is red, do I have had entered this website? Be still old father? Or old Mom has been entered, feel in his heart10498