Introduce:Explorer ah the team member be scattered of area and expeditionary group, in the evening, ah the area entered a Milinli by accident, this Milinru is the same as big labyrinthian, how to go to go not to go out.
Ah the area sees already arrived midnight time, oneself also continue to go forth again feebly, go to big to cultivate, hear suddenly to a singing comes out in darkness: "Had gone in front Chinese parasol tree, cross woods of the pagoda tree opposite side, after passing, can not turn round, otherwise you should suffer disaster! " the singing with this creepy night, make really ah the area is algid, ah the area goes in front, have tree of a phoenix tree as expected, he thinks that singing is a mischief, strong courage, continue to go forth, it is grove of a pagoda tree as expected, he believes that singing is a mischief more, strong courage, continue to go all right toward ahead.
Going, ah the call of the Wei of —— of another team member that the area hears expedition suddenly, ah one Jing is first in area heart, it is one happy event subsequently, look suddenly later, see the old woman with a pale face unexpectedly! Carline at sight of ah area, ghastly laugh, next one step by step to ah the area forces come over, later, ah the area does not have consciousness.
Team member Wei also comes to this subsequently ah the place that the area is missing, wei slowly going, subsequently he also hears the singing in that darkness, he also must have walked along Chinese parasol tree slowly later, cross poplar forest, walked along silvan end.
Wei hears the area calls his name again later, next fierce also look later, the end like the area also fell later.
A day after 3 months, polices discovered the skeleton of two males in this Milinli, their chin piece very big, it seems that.
Those who die is very miserable.