今天看了这些,我突然就想说说自己遇到的事情 ,我本来就相信时间有一些和我们不一样的东西存在,
大概三年前我爷爷去世 ,老人家在世的时候很疼爱我和 姐姐,走的那天早上他也不知道是有预感还是什么的,把平时都舍不得穿的新衣服全部穿上出门去了 ,后来突然脑溢血去世,走的很安详,据当时旁边的人说一位他坐在一边睡着了,拍拍才发现的 。
当得知消息后爸爸妈妈先去爷爷家了的 ,我因为要隔天才能请假,所以留姐姐在家陪我,当天夜里姐姐出去和朋友玩,据说是去 KTV,并且喝了酒。
但是很清楚是针对姐姐的 ,因为他从小到大没有一次对我和姐姐凶过,所以我记得很清楚,第二天我就说给姐姐了 ,吓的她半死,这事就过去了 大概隔了十几天吧 ,我再一次梦见爷爷。
左边好像有一张床,我进去坐在床边还问,爷爷 为什么没有窗户啊 ,之后我就突然跑出来了 ,醒来也很怕又伤心觉得爷爷住的地方不好,告诉妈妈后,家人立马就去上坟了 .
后开问问,从爷爷去世,从来没有人梦到过他 ,只有我。
后来也就是今年又梦到一次,妈妈领着我在很宽的马路边看到爷爷笑着招手,太阳光很好,有黄色的油菜花,而卧就喊了一声爷爷,就开始哭起来了 ,不管怎样,我想他
还有一件事是我在高中上课 ,那天特别的困,眼睛闭上就睡着,然后马上又睁开,这样来来回回与瞌睡较量后,突然 就看到讲台上站着个女人 ,黑色的连衣裙,黑色的长长地头发,看不到脸,看到她,我居然一点也不害怕,就那样看着,后来就没有了
还有一件是我的同学 ,也是我一个很好的朋友,维族,女孩,他说他们村有个女孩的奶奶是神婆,她就被治过,因为她是少数民族,而神婆是汉族 我以为他们本来信仰不通的 ,后来一问才知道,之前是找过本族的人看过都没好,所以只有去看神婆,他每天都会在黄昏时候眼前出现一个蓬头乱发的男人,穿着也很破烂,我记得我当时还要她仔细描述过那人的外形,怎么也不能摆脱,后来神婆叫他们买了红纸,还是红布 我不记得了,一碗水,筷子,什么的 ,后来就真的好了.
对了 ,以前我没上大学在家里住的时候,有一段时间,姐姐每天夜里都会起床梦游,每天夜里做的事情也都不一样,有时候起来翻箱倒柜找钥匙,还有一次冬天下大雪,她突然起来床着睡衣 ,然后穿上靴子就要出门,幸好我妈妈睡觉很轻发现了 ,都说梦游时不可以突然叫的,估计我妈也是不知道,每次发现姐姐起床就立马叫她名字,然后口气很凶的让她回去睡觉,我妈说如果她睡觉沉得话,姐姐出去会冻死的 ,后来更奇怪的是我也会起床梦游,没办法我妈找我家姥爷,找人写了一些保护平安的符贴在我们家每间屋子的门上,从此我们两就再也没有梦游过.
Introduce:Saw these today, I want suddenly to say the thing that I encounter, I believe time has originally a few with us different thing is, probably my grandfather dies 3 years ago, when a respectful form of address for an old person is alive very be very fond of I and elder sister, go he also did not know in the morning that day is to have what premonitioning still is, hate to part with the new dress that wear to be put on entirely at ordinary times go out, abrupt later cerebral haemorrhage dies, those who go is very unruffled, say according to the person on the side of at that time he sits to be asleep aside, pat the discovery that take gift.
After be informed a message father mother went to grandfather home first, because I want to lie between day ability to ask for leave, leave an elder sister to accompany me in the home so, the elder sister in night went out to play with the friend that day, it is to go allegedly KTV, and drank wine.
I arrive with respect to the dream in the evening grandfather, he is very angry in the dream, I am written down must not be why.
But very clear be aimed at an elder sister, because he arrives to was opposite once greatly as a child I and elder sister are fierce over- , so I am written down very clearly, the following day I say an elder sister, she what frighten dies partly, this thing went to be lain between probably ten days, I dream of a grandfather again.
This is very clear, the sun is beautiful, saying is I see a grandfather he will receive me, say oneself moved new home, take me to look, it is a hole hole that like cave dwelling defect goes down.
Inside very black.
Left seems to have a piece of bed, I go in sit in bedside to still ask, why doesn't the grandfather have a window, I run suddenly later, awake also very be afraid of sad the place that feels the grandfather lives is bad, after telling mother, family goes immediately visit a grave to cherish the memory of the dead.
Leave after ask, die from the grandfather, in the home never person dream has arrived he, have me only.
Later namely this year the dream arrives, mom is getting me to see in very wide horse roadside the grandfather is laughing at beck, sun's rays is very good, the cole that has yellow is beautiful, and lay to call a grandfather, begin to cry, anyway, I think he still has a thing is I attend class in high school, special that day tired, the eye is closed be asleep, open again immediately next, such coming that answer back and forth with drowse argue hind, see suddenly there is a woman on dais, black dress, black length grows ground hair, cannot see a face, see her, I fear not at all unexpectedly, look at in that way, there was not the classmate that still having is me later, also be my very good friend, dimension a group of things with common features, the girl, the grandma that he says to their village has a girl is sorceress, she has been treated, because she is minority, and sorceress is the Han nationality I think they are original belief is illogical, ask ability knows later, it is to had searched before this a group of things with common features it is good that the person has looked to be done not have, see sorceress so only, he can appear at the moment in crepuscular moment everyday5134