几天後的一个早上,阿德的母亲准被上市场买菜,临行前告诉阿德:[ 阿德乖!妈妈要到市场去买菜,你在别乱跑,妈妈很快就回来,等妈妈回来後就给你吃筒里的饼干,好不好?],阿德无奈的点点头,母亲关上大门时再叮咛一句说:[ 阿德!不可以玩火喔!],阿德又机械式的点点头,妈妈走後,阿德就坐在饼干筒前,等著妈妈回来拿饼干给他吃。
阿德父母一夜没睡,天一亮就搬到外婆家去住了,阿德的母亲说什麽也不回眷舍去住,阿德的父亲则赶紧将房子顶给别人,再去别的村子顶过别的房子,就在搬家的那天中午,大伙搬累了在坐下来打个盹,阿德无聊的东摸摸西摸摸,忽然找到那两片发霉的饼干,ㄋ心想:[阿姨怎麽不见了!我要请她吃饼干 ㄟ],这时阿德又瞧见墙里的阿姨出现了,阿姨手指摆在唇边,做出嘘!的动作,阿德也学她做嘘!的动作,阿姨抱抱阿德,阿德把手中两片发霉的饼干递给墙里的阿姨,阿姨用双手接过来,噙著泪水向阿德挥手再见,阿德了解她的意思,阿德知道以後再也见不到阿姨了,阿德也挥挥小手向慢慢消失在墙里的阿姨道别。
Introduce:A of a few days of after in the morning, a De's mother allows field be appearinged on the market to buy food, a De tells before before leaving: [A De is good! Mom should buy food to the market, do not run in disorder in the home, mom comes back very quickly, wait for mom to come back after eats the cracker in the canister to you, good? ] , ade nods helplessly, when the mother closes an entrance door again urge again and again says one sentence: [A De! Can not play with fire! ] , a De of mechanical nod, mom walks along after, a De sits before biscuit canister, etc write mom to come back to take biscuit to eat to him.
The time that await is the most provoking, a few minutes of past after, ade feels a bit dull, he looks around a sitting room all around, look what to have amused can goof, suddenly A De catchs a glimpse of the aunt in that wall appeared again.
A De catchs a glimpse of the aunt in that wall appears again, in A Dexin glad, hastily before going up, collect goes, if appear last,this wears the aunt of red dress, appear from the wall come, it is the upper part of the body is outside the wall euqally, below half body is in the wall, of her smilingly read the mind that write A, the calling that A Degao promotes writes an aunt, two people are like is understanding long good friend is same, without fear, did not fear, smile deeply face-to-face only.
A long time, a De moves his beloved toy - - building blocks, played to rise with the aunt in the wall, have tender feeling for dolefully A Dezhen comes out in abandoning blast mirth sound, he is done not have for ages so happy, the aunt in the wall accompanies the heart that write A to gallop in envisaged state, build the nonexistent castle in real life, her smile writes static heart audition A to recount the story that writes the castle, see the tragicomedy in writing A De to direct a city, time Fang Buddha stopped general.
The aunt in the wall touchs the head that writes A De, contain in the eye write tear, a Dehao asks strangely say: [aunt! For what don't you talk? For what do you cry? ] , the aunt in the wall did not answer A De's word, tear of her mop mop still shows a smile, a heart say: [! Former nurse won't talk! Be irrespective! My brother also won't talk, he also loves to cry! ] , the aunt in the wall nods, transmit the sound of key actuate gate right now, a De stands up say: [mom came back! Wait for can biscuit eats, the aunt does not go! I go taking cookie! ] , a De says to develop a gate to be in.
Maternal as it happens opens the door come in, the goal that write dish is promoted in the hand, she sees A Dechong comes over to say: [well good! I know, is should eating cracker? Etc I am saying thing put away] , a De says: [mom! The aunt in that wall came again Ye! She still accompanies me to play together! ] , the mother looks house up and down inside, that has what aunt! This child after all how Mo? In the evening his dad come back, discuss to look again, should how Mo does.
A Dela writes a mother to come9778