Introduce:Below dim lamplight, a coquettish wife stays before plastic bucket, instigate with the hand a thing, twist carefully, have hear, knitting brows say: "This quality how worse and worse, is indistinct still belt worn some of fishy flavour? " of the thing greasily in the bucket, posse posse, sufficient have most bucket, floating in the shadow Huang Guang, resembling is together piece chicken is oily.
A young man laughs, say of ground of not worry at all: "Have fishy smell, that puts some of Jiang Cong more " " what you say is deft, the business of shop of my this food, not be to rely on what this oil just does completely, oil is bad, affirmative meeting affects the taste of dish.
Present person mouth is slier and slier, delicacies of every kind eats dirt, will not nod fresh, hello what will raise the home to paper a mouth? " feminine check is over goods, go to the front of bar, take out fold money, say: "This is 5000, if still be this,wait for goods next time, I can want to deduct money " .
"Eldest sister, you are met really josh, do you still use opening of the paste that raise the home? Come you this has a meal, which is the generation of aimlessly, meal is good tens of thousands of, who eats ordinary other people to rise? " the man has received fund, said sound is thanked, face about went from side door.
"Worked, worked " , feminine cry out is worn.
Come in from back door a bald man, carry a plastic barrel, walk into a kitchen.
The thing in the bucket by rare in ground enters big basin, was rinsed a few times by water, chop becomes small, be poured into boiler finally.
The upgrade change of Ceng of Ceng of igneous young plant is worn, bald man breaks up adroitly with big shovel frying, the oil in boiler is gradually much rise.
Frying frying, stink of a raw meat or fish was risked from boiler come out, bald man is lost in past boiler hastily put the ginger that has cut.
Acrimony ginger fails to pin a stink, still send out in boiler a stink.
Bald man involved fire hastily, when wanting to go outside, coquettish woman is covering nose rushed, accusatorial path: "How to return a responsibility, so smelly, how need not green ginger? " cannot help be about nauseating.
"Green ginger was put, no matter use ah " , one face subdues bald man.
Lamplight shined, the man of black pants of a black clothes appears in the kitchen suddenly, the face does not have expression, talking sound is frozen, do not have an affection it seems that, "Hum, it is you are doing this so mean thing " .
Appear as black clothes man, the temperature of the kitchen fell at a draught freezing point, coquettish woman and bald man are frozen to get Duo shiver Suo, also say even the word not agile.
"You, who are you? " coquettish woman asks terrifiedly.
Black clothes man does not reply, look at the oil that go out is boiled in boiler, say: "Still think the world was about to produce plague, flavour of intense corrupt cadaver sent ground your home unexpectedly, it is you boil person oil here unexpectedly! " say a word, face about is staring at the two people in the kitchen, black6807