Introduce:Laowang is a shop of paper opening the nether world, his store opens to go up in cemetery edge, people is in come paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead can be bought on the road of pay respects to sb at his tomb, very convenient.
After because this is annual clear a kind of green tea picked before Pure Brightness, his business is good all the more.
And gave an accident however this year, the client that will buy paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead often is after was being bought, did not pass 5 minutes to come back to return money, say to have quality problem.
Feel puzzled in old Wang Xin: Can this kind of plaything that fools ghost also have quality problem? does government office of shade Cao ground also have 12315? Heard the report of clients later, suddenly be enlightened of old Wang Cai, be paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead so presswork gave an issue, denomination on the paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead of 100 million that " 1 " was dropped by dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed, became a string of figure so 0.
Such paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead is the world in ghost in, also be waste paper only a piece.
Can be Laowang microscope presswork mould, did not discover what problem, so is the number above these dark money how do not have? Think of here, laowang can'ts help body a shiver, a cold sweat appears on forehead.
His this store opens to go up in graveyard edge, is he casual offended a certain the soul of a deceased person? Still say Acheron now if be in like Yang Shiyi,also be troubled by economic crisis, impish people did end become mad the dark paper shop that comes over to grab him? Laowang is utterly confused, ignorant ground was boiled in the evening.
Midnight time, presswork the sound of sound of sth astir that Fu of Fu of Fu of a Fu transmitted in the room, laowang sleeps lightly suddenly, strong courage went in, the instant was stupefied: See only presswork the jostle each other in a crowd in the room, " ghost " acoustical noisy and confused, the soul that each in suspension wears is moving back and forth ceaselessly, resembling is in busy what.
Laowang is frightened to get double leg one soft, "Pit-a-pat " genuflect is on the ground, voice says asply: "Each ghost eldest brother, we do not have bad luck former days, did not have enemy recently, small rely on small business to raise the home to paper a mouth even, didn't you want …… not to play me so …… " " do we play you? I say is you play us! " that group of soul immediately expression is indignant, among them a quarrelsome ground says, "You burn paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead to the the dead now, it is at every turn -559939584, do we there inflation, go out buy a Chinese cabbage to want a few 100 million! Those who what do do you know to a few we are there? Accountant! Of your younger sister, I everyday account counts those 0, my of several head is dizzy, is you say this you does living person play our the dead? Is you say this you does living person play our the dead?? 6277