三,三世签 我抽到的,也是七十四。
” 我说,又什么可查的,丁文早就查过一次了。
她说,再看看,万一记错了呢? 我翻开书,七十四的地方,那四个字竟然没有了。
那么哭声呢?我仔细听,那声音大了,好像竟是林玄的声音,她一直在边哭边叫:“我不玩了,你们好可怕,好可怕!”她究竟看到了什么,这么可怕? 我的手机响了,是林杰。
” “……你知道那种抽签法叫什么?叫三世签,不是抽三世的签,是能把三世恶灵引出来的签,抽签的男女如果前世曾经签下血债,抽签的过程中,前世的血债带来的怨气就会召唤恶灵,恶灵你知道吧?六亲不认的那一种,把你们所有人都吃了也不够玩的!所以让你别抽,马上到我这来,我教给你解决之法。
” 我在这里冷汗都下来了,其他女生都探询的看着我,我只看一处地方。
” 梅说:“谁打来的电话?” 我说:“朋友,我们回去吧。
”梅一把抓住我的手,慢悠悠的说:“为什么回去,抽签还没有完呢!” 我挣脱她的手,退一步,说:“别闹了,你已经闹了很多天了。
” 梅笑,说,你真会开玩笑。
” “我明白了林玄究竟是看见了什么,才吓成这样。
” 她们不说话,我就接着说:“这种抽签是三世签,能用三世之前欠下的血债引来恶灵,我不知道是梅,还是我,引来了恶灵,而林玄就在数数的时候看见了恶灵。
” 彩儿眨眨眼,说:“恶灵?什么样子的?” 我用手指着她。
她退一步,梅上来,说:“你什么意思?” 我又指着梅,说,你别过来。
” 梅说:“我们都好端端站在这里,你说的什么瞎话?” 我看她几秒,说:“好,我开玩笑的,咱们走吧。
” 她说:“去找林杰吗?那个笨蛋救不了你的,你还是听我们的话好一点。
” 梅笑着,伸手过来,我看见她指甲上滴着黑色的血。
“丁文是你杀的?你是谁?为什么玩我女朋友?” 她哈哈大笑,说:“你不知道我是谁吗?我其实就是她啊,我是前世的她,你猜错了,我不是引来的恶灵,我是前世的她的灵魂。
” 其他的女生慢慢的点头,再抬头时,脸色一个个的都变了,彩儿指着梅说:“她是我们的女主人。
” 梅说:“是啊,我受了那么多年苦都不能洗清我的罪孽,所以我的本体做出了一个决定,决定抛弃我这段有罪孽的灵魂,自己投胎做人,把我和这些充满怨气的灵魂一起扔在地狱!我不服,我一定要找她报复!是老天帮我,让她玩这么一个。
” 另一个女生指着梅说:“我们一直在地狱里跟着她,要想报自己的仇,这一次她到这里来,我们也不能放过。
” 我说:“林玄发现了你们的秘密,你们杀她,那丁文呢?” 彩儿笑,说:“你数数我们一共有几个人?” 我扫了一眼,说:“你们不包括梅,有十一个。
” 她说:“没错,公主杀了我们十一个人,不够数。
” 我正不明白,梅阴惨惨的说:“她们一共十一条血债,是不够,如果欠下十二条血债,我就可以永不超生,她们的仇才算报了。
” 我冷汗都下来了,说:“她们要挟,你就杀啊,你真的想永不超生吗?” 梅忽然笑起来,说:“我无所谓,我的本体都不要我,我凭什么还要保护她?我们本是一个人,同归于尽没什么不好。
” 彩儿看着她,慢慢说:“好一个生来高贵。
” 梅说:“那又怎样?总比你们强的很!” 那十一个鬼围过来,梅竟然躲到我身后,说:“我怕。
” 我说:“你是鬼,干嘛还要怕她们?” “她们要等我欠满十二条血债,就毁了我的身体,身体是我的,多少也有点疼吧。
” 我苦笑不得,回头,她一双眼睛瞅着我。
” 我一直没关的手机里传来林杰气喘吁吁的声音:“我在爬楼,马上就到了,你吓唬住她们啊!” 这边那十一个鬼伸长指甲,恶狠狠的朝我和梅戳来。
我双手举着个桌子护在胸前左右乱打,说:“你们小心点,就是杀了我我的天师朋友也要给我报仇的!” 那些女生抓住桌子腿,把我硬生生拉了个跟头。
她竟然有空对我说:“你不疼吗?” 我这才觉得后背疼,她说:“她们把水果刀插到你背上了。
” 我眼前一黑倒下去。
Introduce:3, sansei signs me to be smoked, also be 74.
Those schoolgirls hide backward, the plum says: "Check check.
" I say, what can check, fourth Wen Zao has been checked.
She says, look again, in case was misremembered? I turn over a book, the place of 74, those 4 words were done not have actually.
Those who replace is 11 words: "You kill the person that cannot be thought of most " .
Want to be less than most, who? I am taking a book, visit those woman students, low cry sound is transmitted.
"Did not cry! " of my be agitated cry, the plum says, cry without the person.
So Where is cry? I listen carefully, that voice is big, be like the sound that is Lin Xuan unexpectedly, she cries in the edge all the time the edge cries: "I did not play, you are very terrible, very terrible! " what did she see after all, so terrible? My mobile phone rang, it is Lin Jie.
"I listened to A mark to say the thing of ballot, you but must not retry, that ballot law is us a spirit is the evilest above familial manual, the surface looks it doesn't matter, can cause big trouble however.
" " .
what do you know the sort of ballot law cries? Call sansei the autograph, not be the lot that takes sansei, be can bring sansei Ahriman the autograph that come out, the men and women of ballot if preexistence once signed a debt of blood, in the process of ballot, the complaint that a debt of blood of preexistence brings is met call Ahriman, do you know Ahriman? A kind that of refuse to have anything to do with all kins and friends, had your everybody what also play not quite! Let you be not smoked so, to me this comes on the horse, I teach the law that solves to you.
" I am here cold sweat came down, other schoolgirl of explore ask look at me, I visit one place place only.
The door of the classroom, chained.
I say: "We go back.
" the plum says: "The telephone call that who makes? " I say: "Friend, we go back.
" Mei Yi the hand that holds me, slowly say: "Why to go back, ballot still is done not have! " the hand that I flounce off her, remove one condition, say: "Not was troubled by, you had made very much day.
" Mei Xiao, say, you can joke really.
I say, joking? We say the thing to be clear about.
Those schoolgirls are standing, I am a bit more relaxed instead, moved a chair, sit down, say: "I understood now.
" " I understood Lin Xuan was what to see after all, just frighten such.
" they do not talk, I say then: "This kind of ballot is sansei autograph, can draw Ahriman with a debt of blood that owes before sansei, I do not know is a plum, still be me, drew Ahriman, and Lin Xuan is in count when saw Ahriman.
" colour blink blink, say: "Ahriman? Of what appearance? " I am pointing to her with the hand.
She removes one condition, the plum comes up, say: "Your what meaning? " I am pointing to a plum again, say, do not come over.
Lin Xuan14574