那是一个年轻妇女,结婚没两年,生了个儿子,可惜得了场病,没有躲过去,就撒手而去了,留下的孩子没人照看,就由孩子的姑姑收养了,姑姑家也有自己的孩子,两个孩子一起玩耍 倒也相安无事,可是有一天,这孩子不小心吃饭的时候,打破了一个碗,姑姑生气了,随手就打了这孩子两巴掌,孩子开始哭,这时候就出事了。
劝了一会,姑姑不闹了,开始和人们聊天,这时候很多过去的熟人都过来打招呼,过来问 你知道我是谁吗?姑姑就说 怎么不知道啊 你不是谁谁谁吗 咱俩过去老纳鞋底子,等等。
有的长辈担心出问题,就劝她说,你看这边也没事了 你还是赶紧回去吧 ,你的孩子我们保证给你照看好。
姑姑就说 那好 那我就走了 说着分开人群就向村外走,人们在后面跟着,走着走着,快走到孩子妈的坟地的时候,姑姑突然就摔到了,众人扶起来,她一脸茫然,说我怎么在这 你们这是干啥呢,老人就告诉她,你别管我们干啥,以后千万不能打孩子了。
在农村 小孩子是经常被进行教育不要乱拣东西,但是小孩生性好动,很多时候会闯下大祸。
有个孩子,大概是5岁左右吧,是三代单传,当作宝贝一样,有一天是奶奶带着他玩,可是奶奶老了,的时候,中午就打瞌睡,孩子就跑到家门外去玩,家门外是一条大道,正好不久前出殡走过,路边撒慢了纸钱,孩子看着好玩就随手拣了几张 ,拿回家去给奶奶看,奶奶看了 很生气,打了孩子一下 ,把纸钱抢来 揉成一团扔到了门外。
就是这个动作 惹下了祸。
孩子晚上就开始发烧,说胡话,他家房里晾着一根衣架,孩子哭喊着说那上面坐着个奶奶,这下家里乱成一锅粥,孩子跟受了很大的惊吓一样 除了昏睡就是直着嗓子看着衣架哭。
隔壁老人说 莫不是中了什么邪 请个人来看看吧.
老汉说拿了人家钱 人家找来了。
老汉还始对着那个晾衣杆说话,最后老汉说,没有办法,这屋是个老太婆 是被儿子虐待死的,怨气太重,他也没办法。
后来孩子在寺里住下来,果然相安无事,家人经常送些米面,但孩子却很奇怪的对家里人很冷漠 ,见了跟没看见一样,家里人毕竟就这一根独苗,还是不断的去看。
几个月后,等又一次去看时 才发现孩子已经走了,老和尚也不行了 临死时对家人说 孩子被他送去广东 跟高憎修行了,等孽障消除,还有机会再见,家里人哭作一团。
Introduce:That is woman of a young country, marry do not have two years, gave birth to a son, got field disease regrettablly, did not escape, let go and went, nobody attends the child that leave, adopted by the child's aunt, aunt home also has his child, two children an amuse oneself also live in peace with each other, but one day, when this child has a meal not carefully, broke a bowl, aunt got angry, conveniently hit this child two hand, the child begins to cry, had an accident at that time.
Allegedly aunt cried suddenly quite, two turn over trip, when standing up again, talking sound and the pose that walk changed completely, acquaintance admit, that is the child's dead close Mom suddenly.
For a short while, village make a stir, a lot of people are surrounded will watch the scene of bustle, (my Mom is holding me in the arms also amid) , aunt cries in house be troubled by, the accent that kisses Mom with the child blames aunt to hit the child.
A little old elder begins help sb to get over his worries, the aunt that proves the child is opposite all the time actually that child is very good.
Persuaded a little while, aunt was troubled by, begin to chat with people, at that time the acquaintance of very much past comes over to greet sb, come over to ask you know who I am? Aunt says how to to know ah who are you who who a copy kept as a record of shoe of our two old in the past offer, etc.
Some elder concern give an issue, persuade her to say, you look here also do not have a thing you still go back rapidly, we assure your child to had been attended to you.
Aunt says good then I went to saying apart crowd to go outside the village, people follows at the back, going, when walking along the cemetery of child Mom quickly, aunt fell suddenly, everybody uprear comes, she one face is spellbound, say how I am this you this is dry what, the old person tells her, you leave us alone to do what, ten million cannot hit the child after.
This is a real event.
In rural children be often be undertaken education does not pick a thing in disorder, but child natural disposition is good move, a lot of moment can enter next catastrophe.
Have a child, be 5 years old are controlled probably, it is 3 acting sheet are passed, regard as in the home baby is same, it is the grandma is taking him to play one day, but the grandma became old, summer when, midday with respect to catnap, the child runs go playing outside excellent door, a highway is outside the door, not long ago of as it happens has held a funeral procession, roadside is scattered slow paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead, the child is looked at chose a few pieces with respect to conveniently amusedly, recapture home goes looking to the grandma, the grandma looked very angry, hit the child, grab paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead outside kneaded posse to throw the door.
It is this movement is offended issued disaster.
The child begins to have a fever in the evening, delirious, the air in his home house is worn a clothes tree, the child cries crying to say to there is a grandma above that, this becomes a pot of porridge-a complete mess in disorder in next homes, the child follows sufferred12608