Introduce:Zheng Xiaoxia receives the telephone call that elder brother's wife makes, let her help take care of ailing elder brother.
Zheng Xiaoxia drove the past immediately.
"How so does half talent open the door? " the way of Zheng Xiaoxia doubt that beat the door a long time.
"Nod in a low voice, do not disturb them to sleep.
" elder brother's wife in a low voice say.
"They? Is there a guest in bad Taoist school? " Zheng Xiaoxia is strange.
Whats did not say sister-in law, let Zheng Xiaoxia enter a room.
Two individual a long time did not meet, began Lao to have the daily life of a family.
Saying, elder brother's wife asks Zheng Xiaoxia has a boy friend, zheng Xiaoxia shakes his head.
Elder brother's wife begins to tell had the thing before small pestle of oneself and Zheng Xiaoxia elder brother Zheng: Two people from begin to be in love to interact, enter marital assembly hall together finally, all the way wind storm rain is how not easy.
But two people insisted to come over, although two people also can have contradiction now and then, but cannot pass one day to contradict to be met into thin air, restore good relations.
When saying these things, elder brother's wife the happiness of one face.
Zheng small Xia Ye very the feeling between admiring brother elder brother's wife.
Saw next time, elder brother's wife rises say to buy food, left the home.
At this moment the somebody in the house that Zheng Xiaoxia thinks of to elder brother's wife says is sleeping, say in mouth of elder brother's wife " they " who can you be? Taking question, zheng Xiaoxia pushs bedroom door gently.
She sees there are two people on the bed, it is a quilt only the lid crossed a head, cannot seeing is what person.
Zheng Xiaoxia looks at the head of a bed there is half cups of water on ark, there still is an empty medicine bottle on the ground, the uneasiness inside the heart emerged immediately.
She runs over to lift a quilt, discovering what lying on the bed is elder brother and elder brother's wife actually! The …… in the bosom that elder brother's wife crouchs unruffledly in the elder brother they are already dead.
Head of Zheng small summer " buzz " straight noise, who is the person that just goes out? At this moment, mobile phone part of the day of Zheng Xiaoxia rise.
"Zheng Xiaoxia, I am public security bureau.
Tell you an unfortunate news: Your elder brother Zheng Xiaochun gave traffic accident, rescue is invalid, already be dead …… " Zheng Xiaoxia head " bang " , feel suddenly very dizzy.
"Still a thing wants to tell you, the body of your elder brother disappeared.
" mobile phone " bang " the ground is dropped go up, look at two people that lie unruffledly on the bed, zheng Xiaoxia is covering oneself mouth.
She dare not cry aloud, because she does not want to disturb them, do not want to disturb so deep love to wear they.