Introduce:Heibei bear heart be away for the summer holidays the beautiful front door of mountain villa, be mountain villa palace door, there is hole of 3 quadrate doors below the door, among one offers one person of imperial to come in and go out only.
Before the door of beautiful front door the left-hand side has the stone tablet of an end up, on monument quarter: "Officer person waits, so far discontinue.
" tablet of person official discontinue.
Allegedly, be inscribed for Qing Qianlong.
When those, annual Qianlong wants to be away for the summer holidays mountain villa lives some of day, bear heart became the center of the 2nd politics that is next to Beijing at that time.
The Qianlong that handles government affairs also hunts to lily magnolia paddock recreation.
Await in those days, hold the post of your how old official to want to enter be away for the summer holidays Qianlong of mountain villa go on a pilgrimage as form of a address for an official or rich man, arrived to be away for the summer holidays at the door mountain villa before discontinue tablet have to discontinue.
After Qianlong is dead later, this custom did not change all the time.
Quiet day is ruined, period of the Republic of China, of a few be an official come here, also want discontinue to get off, in order to show the respect of pair of Qianlong father.
Again this custom became history of play compose a quarrel slowly later, never mention it official, it is crop common people from now on transient, also won't discontinue got off.
This year of spring, those who one comes from Beijing is curule to bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa looks around inspect.
Those who saw Qianlong father is inscribed this " officer person waits, so far discontinue " discontinue tablet, cannot help gesticulating publish a brilliant views.
The such as outside notting have is feudal imparity of system of abusive, autocratic monarchy, grade, human nature is filthy wait.
Strange is this curule word has not said, suddenly leg one soft, actually genuflect of Dong of straight straight ground go down.
The person of company does not know to produce what job on the side, supported sb with hand in the past hastily, discover him however all over inflexible, two legs are like two withered wood, it is very difficult to want to stand up again.
Hit urgently 120, cure protects personnel to send him with litter bear heart hospital, the doctor also does not have fish what defect, the following day good.
The thing spends 45 months, transmit a message from Beijing suddenly, that curule because embezzle an accident, be taken by procuratorial work mechanism.
Cheng Deren says: "This plants on person mouth one, in the heart, he does not fall horse, whose discontinue? ! " this story is Cheng Deyi the taxi driver tells.
Do not know true and false, but I know, that curule had been received in the jail really now.
Rental driver still says: "Be in now Cheng Deyou a very interesting phenomenon, the official of a few this locality, other place, will look around be away for the summer holidays mountain villa, either the past is circled aloof before tablet of wherefrom piece discontinue, get off early before discontinue tablet namely on foot.
Still a few have evil intentions had become the officer of evildoing, dare be away for the summer holidays far from mountain villa …… " also do not know this word of rental driver, be true false still? ! 15938