柠檬茶 Lemon Tea
Last week, when I went to visit my friend, she brought me a cup of a tea, it was so different from the tea I used to drink, I saw a piece of lemon in the water, I could smell the light favor, it was so comfortable for me.
I was so curious and could not wait to have tasted it, it tasted so good, I asked my friend what it was, she said it was lemon tea, I asked how to make it, she told me her recipe.
She said she would put some honey in the lemon and then put the lemon into the bottle, after a week, I could take out a piece of lemon in the cup and mixed with some water.
I fall in love with lemon tea now, it also makes me healthy.
上周,当我去看望 的时候,她拿给我一杯茶,这和我之前喝过的很不同,我看到水中有一片柠檬,我能闻到淡淡的香味,我觉得很舒服。我很好奇,迫不及待想要尝尝,那喝起来确实不错,我问朋友那是什么,她说是柠檬茶,我问她如何弄的,她告诉了我她的秘方。她说她把蜂蜜放在柠檬上,然后把柠檬放在一个瓶子里,一周以后,我就可以拿出一片柠檬,放在被子中,冲着水。我现在爱上了柠檬茶,那也让我保持 。
( http://yuedu.mipang.com/zuowen/)