” “这些警察都是些白痴,平时耀武扬威,用得着他们的时侯却拿不出一点本事。
Introduce:There is rain outside, only two men are in in the house dialog, one is me, one is Doctor Xu.
"I say, doctor Xu, are you right how does that interlink murder look recently? " my sip a coffee, acrid diffuse in my mouth, actually I do not like this ocean beverage, but the enthusiasm of hindering Doctor Yu Xu, still accepted.
I contracted severe depressed disease 3 years ago, all day long hides in the home to resemble a mice, doctor Xu is me at that time advocate order a physician, he cured I, we became a friend later.
"Be horrible! The law case of this bristle with anger making a person is troubled by those who get in a state of anxiety of whole town will of people, now everybody not dare the late night goes into the street alone, be horrible! " Doctor Xu coughed twice, complexion is a little ugly.
"Yes, the murderer is very cruel, hear all the injured party are cut went first, case discovery field is bloody everywhere, feel even gumshoe disgusting.
" " this too make a person fab! " Doctor Xu alarm hunch.
"Does the murderer have deep hatred with these people? " " I look is not.
" " why? " " look because of the identity from the injured party, their estate photograph goes very far, in these bodies that do not have a head, having is bookshop boss, one is an engineer, one is the beggar that street roams about, one still is a student, additional, still have a hooter, even.
" " still have a judge even! " I am received go down to say.
"Fine long hair is irrelevant between them, know far from each other even, gumshoe people also did not check them to had had with who before one's death so big bitter quarrel, so that be killed hind cut even go coronal vent one's anger.
" " these polices are some of idiocy, at ordinary times show one's strength, their accession does not take find sth useful to give a bit ability however.
" ground of my anger anger says.
"Do you seem to have bias very much to the police? " Doctor Xu did not the movement of approve of.
"It doesn't matter, just some of life stopped.
" I laugh helplessly.
We are silent a little while, the rain outside issues bigger more.
"So you think, what is murderer bloodguilty motive? " my mouth talks.
"From the point of my major, this murderer has character obstacle apparently, say exactly to nod, existing to turn over social character.
" " what makes turn over social character? " " must say popularly, they are devoid conscience and the people that overtake me, for from already some kind of purpose, never the consequence that dispute behavior brings.
They are abstained very hard, also distain to be considered to law, right even from already dishonourable behavior does not have any ashamed feeling and compunctious heart.
" " just like a few politician! " I am laughing to say.
"Pretty good, these people have very high intelligence quotient commonly, if they take up a political career, become successful politician very easily possibly, but if be used on crime, that will become7879