一直都有人问小勇怎样才能见到鬼之类的, 其实这也要看情况。
你做一做就知道 了。
你相信世上有鬼吗? 相信--(去题9 )不相信--(去题5) 2.
你的家人中,有人遇过鬼吗? 有--7 没有--18 3.
晚上睡觉你一定要开著小灯? 是--23 否--19 4.
你是否曾经感到一股莫名的寒意? 是--8 否--3 5.
你是否常常迷路? 是--13 否--16 6.
有时你是否觉得自己也懂一些动物语言? 是--25 否--26 7.
你是否有[ 鬼压床]的经验? 是--20 否--11 8.
看连续剧或电影时,你是否常可以推断出後面的剧情? 是--6 否--23 9.
你小时後是不是很爱哭? 是--12 否--16 10.
你很喜欢照? 是--18 否--17 11.
你身上是否有很大的胎记或痣? 是--20 否--8 12.
你是否觉得自己记忆力不错? 是--7 否--2 13.
你是否觉得拜拜的香的味道很好闻? 是--10 否--17 14.
你是否一年要去扫一次墓? 是--29 否--22 15.
你是否有梦境成为现实的经验? 是--a型 否--24 16.
你喜欢独处胜於和朋友聊天? 是--2 否--10 17.
是否有时会不知自己身在何处的感觉? 是--4 否--3 18.
你有没有见过幽浮? 有--11 没有--4 19.
独自待在房间时,你总觉的房间还有人 是--14 否--22 20.
你是否有差一点就发生意外的经验? 是--28 否--6 21.
你是否经常会莫名其妙的耳鸣? 是--24 否--27 22.
和朋友聊天时,你是否常和对方异口同声的说同样的话? 是--30 否--d型 23.
你的运气是否不错? 是--26 否--14 24.
你是否有初次去某地却感觉好像来过一样? 是--a型否--b型 25.
你是否曾经做同样的梦? 是--15 否--21 26.
是否曾有很久以前几乎遗忘的事,却突然想起的经验? 是--21 否--29 27.
你是否曾认为自己是由某种东西转世? 是--b型 否--c型28.
猫和狗是否常会亲近你? 是--15 不是25 29.
小时後你是否曾生过一场危及生命的大病? 是--27 不是--30 30.
看别人的照片时,你是否常觉德照片中的人表情会变? 是--c型否--d型 《分析》 a型——天生通灵者 你的灵视力很强~~~只要集中精神想与鬼见面,轻而易举就可以看到鬼魂~~ b型——专心便能与鬼相会你的灵视力也不错,不会常遇到鬼,但如果一直乞求就有可能,但,粉伤身~~还是别尝试了~~ c型-——到闹鬼的地方试试你的灵视力算普通,但,只要有胆张大眼睛,集中精神,到闹鬼的地方,机会就粉大~~ ******* d型——请先相信鬼的存在你的灵视力粉低di~~你总是不相信有鬼的存在,如果真的很想看.
Introduce:All the time somebody asks small brave how ability sees ghost and so on, actually this also wants to depend.
Of the and so on of birthday character 8 that includes you, there is a test below, it is what allow quite.
You are done knew.
Do you believe the there is sth fishy on the world? Believe- - (go inscribing 9) do not believe- - (go inscribing 5) 2.
In your family, has somebody encountered ghost? Have- - 7 not- - 183.
Sleep in the evening must you leave write little light? Yes- - 23 deny- - 194.
When summer.
Whether did you once feel an ineffable chill? Yes- - 8 deny- - 35.
Whether do you often get lost? Yes- - 13 deny- - 166.
Sometimes whether do you feel you also know language of a few animals? Yes- - 25 deny- - 267.
Whether do you have [ghost press] experience? Yes- - 20 deny- - 118.
When seeing serials or movie, whether can you often conclude the plot of a play that gives behind? Yes- - 6 deny- - 239.
Does your hour after love to cry very much? Yes- - 12 deny- - 1610.
Do you like to look in the mirror very much? Yes- - 18 deny- - 1711.
Whether do you go up to there are very big birthmark or mole personally? Yes- - 20 deny- - 812.
Whether do you feel him memory is pretty good? Yes- - 7 deny- - 213.
Whether do you feel to do obeisance to the sweet smell that do obeisance to very pleasant? Yes- - 10 deny- - 1714.
Whether you should sweep a grave one year? Yes- - 29 deny- - 2215.
Whether do you have dream to make practical experience? Yes- - A deny- - 2416.
Do you like to be in Sheng Wuhe's friend to chat alone? Yes- - 2 deny- - 1017.
Whether can you know the feeling that him body is in where sometimes? Yes- - 4 deny- - 318.
Had you seen tranquil on the surface? Have- - 11 not- - 419.
Wait for alone when the room, the room that you always become aware returns somebody is- - 14 deny- - 2220.
Whether do you have all but to produce accident experience? Yes- - 28 deny- - 621.
Whether are you often met indescribable tinnitus? Yes- - 24 deny- - 2722.
When chatting with the friend, whether are you often mixed of all with one voice of the other side say same word? Yes- - 30 deny- - D 23.
Is your luck good? Yes- - 26 deny- - 1424.
Whether do you have the first time go feeling however somewhere like seeming to had come? Yes- - A deny- - B 25.
Whether did you once make same dream? Yes- - 15 deny- - 2126.
Whether to ever have the thing that forgets almost a long time ago, the experience that remembers suddenly however? Yes- - 21 deny- - 2927.
Whether did you ever think you are by reincarnation of some kind of thing? Yes- - B deny- - C7593