Introduce:That thing lets me up to now cannot dismiss from one's mind, that is summer of a year, the kin home be a guest that I go to a country, as a result of dull look for a few children to play together expeditionary, oh, here does not explain especially even, besides the child, still have a lovely puppy.
Everybody comes to the woods in, I always feel here is quite strange, seem bit more what, but wanting to go out temporarily again is what thing, the likelihood is here Gu Shutai became much, just can let what the person thinks so.
"Ah - - - you look, there is rubber ball Ye on that tree, still can give off light! " small intelligent agitato cries.
Rubber ball? The way that I point to toward her looks, really, there is to give out blue white light on branch, resemble the thing like the rubber ball that burning, and it is in bit by bit ascendant move.
Look again carefully, just do not have on this one tree, still two Gu Shu go up to also have, the light of blue white, if jack-o'-lantern is general, plus Gu Shu's intelligence of animals, let a person feel some are horrible.
But, this strange thing ticks off the curiosity that had me however, let me must go vicinity looks after all.
"Do we go looking value bad? " I say to children, "Seeing that after all is what thing! " small fragrant age is the smallest, she some fear: "Not, the thing is very terrible, I do not look! " " craven, good, you stay be here! Wool letting hair (doggie) accompany you.
" small say by force, "We go looking! " we will to the tree fall to be being looked at, abrupt, that sphere of blue white dripped to come down from the tree, be in our before, distill suddenly come, not bad we shine quickly, otherwise - - - wait, while it distills I saw its true face, yes, it is appearance, it is the face of a piece of doggie, ferocious ground is looking at us.
I rectify an individual to stay, be at a loss temporarily, but very fast I regained consciousness again, this is not bemused when, first children it is the most important that refuge takes gift.
"Everybody is listening, we go back now, the tree notices to go up when going, want to be far from the thing of this glow, know? " I command the ground says.
"You look - - - - small fragrant - - - " A Ming cry in fear! Right now I also noticed, be in so small fragrant the glow sphere of a blue white dripped to come down suddenly, look again we and small fragrant the distance has had not enough time to save her.
Do not know it drips to be met on person how, the hope won't be occupied, we also can pray for her only.
"Mao Mao - - - " be in this crises, doggie wool wool is making attack to that sphere, sphere is attacked by Mao Mao, small fragrant got rescued, and our heroic Mao Mao burned to rise however, was burned to die with respect to such while still alive, very fast firing dry cadaver.