那天,老师带着小女孩以及班上所有的小朋友在最右边的那一片大草坪上露营及烤肉,在搭完帐蓬及吃完烤肉後,已经天黑了,老师们得应付这麽一大堆 活蹦乱跳的小朋友,早就累得在一旁休息了,看着小朋友们在草坪上。
小女孩和另外一个小朋友很快地一起躲进了草坪旁的内,小女孩和她的同学分别各躲在一间里,心想着自己一定不会被捉到……躲着躲着,小女孩有点不耐了,可是因为怕被发现,所以不敢出声 地继续等待……後来,一直没有动静,因此小女孩决定出去看看,可是这时候却发现门打不开,她呼叫着和她一起躲进这里的同学,没有任何回应,任她拉开嗓子呼救 ,就是没有人前来帮她把门打开,她越来越害怕,却只能蹲在地上等待。
那个推着轮椅的女子延着一排的厕所,一间一间地敲门,一遍一遍地问着: 有人在里面吗?……最後,终於她终於走到小女孩躲的这间厕所前了,她一样敲了敲门,小女孩屏着气,可是这次再也没听到任何声音了,小女孩很想出去看看,可是她又很害怕…就这样,她就在里面动也不敢动地蹲了好久好久……最後,她终於忍不住了,试着开门,结果门很容易地开了,可是,门一开後,小女孩险些吓昏了,因为她开门後看到一双悬空的脚以及一辆飘在半空的轮椅,她在厕所中抬头一看,一个着护士服的女子,推着一个坐轮椅的老婆婆,两张阴沉的脸均笑着从上面看着她……看了一夜…原来,这所学校以前是一所被火烧掉的…
Introduce:That day, the teacher is taking all children on little girl and class to be in the school most camp on a that of right great lawn reach barbecue, building wigwam to reach eat barbecue after, already dark, teachers must handle the child with one frisky pile of this Mo, early so tired that resting aside, look at children to make fun of in lawn upper reaches.
Among them, a few little girl and her good friends remember suddenly should play play hide-and-seek, although already dark, but by at the school that is oneself, add children play a heart, they play here rose.
Decided who is become ghost after, everybody is avoided everywhere rose.
Little girl and another child hide into the toilet by lawn together immediately inside, little girl and her classmate hides in each respectively in, the heart thinks him move won't be caught certainly.
hiding, little girl was not able to bear or endure a bit, but because be afraid of,be discovered, so not dare phonate ground continues to await.
later, do not have activity all the time, accordingly little girl decides to go out to look, but discover the door cannot be opened however at that time, her call is worn and she hides into the classmate here together, without any responses, hold the post of her to pull open voice to cry for help, come round to help her open the door without the person namely, she more and more fear, can crouch on the ground to await only however.
Came at somebody eventually, the voice that she heard to footstep reachs wheelchair.
wheelchair? Although little girl fears, but she thinks of cannily very much, how can Mo have wheelchair reputation? Still be in her when suspicion, she heard that person that is turning wheelchair to approach, begin from the first toilet, knock, like that after asks with very grave sound: ? of Yuan of Juan of hey of cough of raw meat or fish is a kind of very hair-raising female voice then, make little girl feel fear, more hide inside to dare not give any voice.
That woman that is promoting wheelchair is delaying toilet, a ground knocks, ground is asking: ? of Yuan of Juan of hey of cough of raw meat or fish.
most after, eventually at her eventually Wu Zou arrives before this toilet that little girl hides, she knocks euqally, little girl screen is worn gas, but also be done not have this again,hear any voice, little girl wants to look very much, can be her very fear.
such, she is moved inside also dare not move the ground to crouch for ages for ages.
most after, she eventually Wu Ren did not live, try to open the door, result door opened easily, but, the door an after, little girl nearly is frightened, because she opens the door,after sees a pair of impending feet and one waves the wheelchair in half sky, she looks up to look in the toilet, a move the woman that the nurse takes, pushing to sit the granny of wheelchair, two pieces of cloudy faces all are laughing from above look at her.
watched one night.
so, a hospital that is dropped by baked wheaten cake is before this school.