先给大家说声对不起,因为这么久都没来更新鬼故事,实在是对不起大家了``` 的回忆。
我以为有人恶作剧,就挂电话了 想继续睡觉,我朝房间走去,刚上床,眼睛刚闭,但是门外有人敲门,我就走到门边问:谁呀???门外发出了声音:你爸爸啊,开门给我呀。
这次的声音像爸爸的,我就打开了防盗门的小窗户,一看是爸爸的那张脸(当时有些睡意,没太注意看,只是看到爸爸的脸)我开了门,然后就掉头,想去睡觉,走着想起来爸爸没有给我明天的早餐钱,我就回头想问爸爸要早餐钱,可是我回头开到的不是一个人,是一个只有一个人头漂浮在空中,没有身体的东西,是一张女人的脸,它在对着我笑,突然那张脸变了,变得好可怕,它只有1只眼睛的,是绿色的,另外一边的眼睛是被一根象绳子的东西掉着的,掉在鼻子的旁边,它的嘴里流出绿色的液体,头发滴着血的,没有耳朵的,我当时整个人都清醒了,大叫起来:鬼呀!!!那东西朝我飞了过来,差不多到我面前时,它的嘴张开了,一些绿色的液体流了出来,滴到了地上,它想朝我的脖子咬过来,我的手下意识的抬起来,它咬到了我的胳膊,我当时觉得就像被一把刀插进去一样,好痛,然后它松开口了,像我的脖子飞了,我以为我这次死定了,大叫起来:啊,救命啊!鬼啊!我的眼泪都流出来了,但是不知道怎么回事,它到我脖子边正想咬的时候,它:哇的叫了一声,然后马上飞出门外了,我被吓得半死,呆住了,为它飞走了感到庆幸,等我回过神来,才开到门没关,我马上跑了过去关起门来,我一屁股的坐在了地上,眼泪一滴滴的流出来,那时我已经忘记了胳膊的痛了,坐了10多分钟,我回过神来,这时我才觉得胳膊很痛,我马上去打电话到妈妈的朋友家,打通了,妈妈来接了,我只跟妈妈说了一句话:妈妈,家里有鬼,快来救我,我就挂电话去了 后来我坐在沙发上想:为什么那鬼没有咬我的脖子呢?后来想起脖子上挂了块玉配,那块玉配是妈妈的一个朋友在我小时候满月是给我的,我从3岁就一直戴着它,可能是那鬼怕那个东西吧想着想着,觉得头好昏,胳膊很痛,我看了一下伤口,伤口流着血,还有个牙齿的印,我觉得头越来越昏,后来不知道是昏倒了了还是睡着了,当我醒来的时候,发现自己在,爸爸妈妈守在我旁边,后来妈妈告诉我,我打电话给妈妈后,妈妈马上到厂里找到爸爸,他们一起回到家,爸爸还报了警,救护车也来了,医生说我的伤口不像是人咬的,想是被熊或者什么动物咬的,但是,伤口那会流出绿色的液体,就连医生都搞不懂那是什么,后来还有些记者来采访我,我不敢回忆那晚的事,就什么都没说。
Introduce:Say to everybody sound Is am sorry first, because so long did not replace ghost old practice, it is to I am sorry really everybody ``` bloodcurdling memory.
Before remembering be in a few years, I still read elementary school in those days 5 grade, because some are poor in the home, so my home lives workshop, it is a bungalow, listen to the old person in a few factories to say, a graveyard is when the place of my home did not build a house, because build a room to needed to dig that,hang graveyard later, but it is empty in graveyard.
Without the body, resembling is grave be crossinged by pilfer same.
Still some of person says my home that often be haunted, but I am not believed, move 1 many months to feel it doesn't matter, if paying attention to those people to say so a night, because father wants to work overtime, do not come home in the evening so slept, mom made an appointment with a friend to hit mahjong, do not know when to just come home, my person watchs TV in the home, saw felt tired more at 10 o'clock, went sleeping.
Also did not know to sleep how long, phone noise rose, I am confused, climb to pick up the telephone, mom is hit, mom said not to come home to call my person to sleep in the evening.
After we say, called up, I saw a bell, it is much at 11 o'clock, after looking, I go to the room, at this moment the phone rang again, certainly father hits I think, it is to resemble mom calling me to sleep earlier in that way for certain, I had a telephone call then, but passed many seconds 10 nobody talks, crossed 10 seconds again, eventually someone said, but her sound appears very sad, very bemused, she says: I am very afflictive, be being pressed by the house, very afflictive.
I think somebody mischief, called up to want to continue to sleep, I go toward the room, firm go to bed, the eye just was shut, but the somebody outside the door knocks, I go to the side of the door to ask: Who ah? ? ? Sound gave out outside the door: Your father, open the door I ah.
Do I think father is not to work overtime? Why to come back? Another thinks sound is like a bit incorrect, not quite resemble father, I did not open the door, I think is those thief or of robber and so on, in the home nobody, I special fear, want to call the friend home to mom, but be line of of short duration, I more feared, be in at this moment outside the door phonate: Fast open the door, I am your father.
This sound resembles father, I opened the small window of door of guard against theft, that piece of face that looking is father (there is some of drowsiness at that time, not too the attention looks, the face that just sees father) I opened the door, turn around next, want to sleep, going to think father to did not give my breakfast tomorrow money, I want to ask father wants breakfast money later, but I turn round, is not a person, it is only a poll floats one in sky, those who do not have the body9812