” (鬼故事大全:)
Introduce:Her is small bathe with respect to happy , from the Zuo in Home after that exceeds big bath crock, she more bath of bubble happy , should be in everyday inside on bubble Zuo of Zuo .
The husband has Zuo not quite tall Ning , occasionally calls her not to want bubble too long, she looks forward to ground Zha with respect to one Mo : "Of Yin , my Yin is gotten, be born before me is Zuo of one beauty certainly.
" marital laugh writes she: "Be born before you is beauty Zuo , what is that is born before me? " she hits in bath crock write spray: "Be born before you is prince certainly.
" (ghost story encyclopedia: ) she did not have Zuo he, her true Jian constant Yao , oneself are beauty Zuo , in ocean swims, swims sanded , see Na Yingjun's prince.
Zuo like that prince and marital Zuo are gotten not quite picture, but her Zuo is before believing prince is the husband, be born.
Her person Zuo does more more, bubble also jumps over to jump over Zuo in the Zuo in bath crock, marital jumps over to not be able to bear or endure more , the eyes that sees her also jumps over to jump over impetuous, have second give birth to her even procrastinated to give in crock of unripe bath.
But her Zuo is Yin ,before getting, be born is beauty Zuo , also Yu this life also is, her Jian works at Zuo , bubble of all day long was in in bath crock, Zuo eats inside, also sleep inside Yin .
The husband already Jian did not have day came home, she has Zuo heart, does not wish to walk out of bath crock, it is inside bubble is written only.
Suddenly, the husband abruptly Zuo bathroom, with fork of a Zuo , firm firm pricks Zuo her abdomen, she is painful Zha does not give Yu , of force twist to write, hematic water catchs Ji quickly bath crock.
The man looks bitterly with write her: "Be born before one's death before! Before you know yourself, be born is Zuo , do you know ? I have how many times Yao , is be born before oneself husband of one ? " Zha of his one side is written, crock of bath of her winkle of one side , throw Zuo in the Zuo Ha of backside.