欢迎大家投稿或推荐~ 話說,1992年6月,老衲任教於竹塹城某公立國小,時值鳳凰花開,驪歌初動的日子裏,天真的小朋友正在排練畢業典禮的預演,老衲是六年級的科任老師,依慣例被請去觀禮,由於這所學校的禮堂是位於地下室,因此雖然接近盛夏,但卻也不感覺到熱,當典禮進行到一半時,有兩班的女生在座位上竊竊私語,經排練的老師制止後,才保持安靜,大家也不覺得有何奇怪之處,大概是太興奮了吧! 可是,當典禮結束後,我等學生全離開地下室再關燈時,就感到這地下室好像出奇的陰涼,我慢慢走回辦公室想喝口水,可是我位子旁已擠滿忠班的女同學,?首的小倩說道:〞老師!地下室有鬼耶!剛才典禮預演時,有一大票鬼在跑來跑去!〞老衲回答說:〞別胡說了!剛才在地下室少說也有幾百人,陽氣這麼重,況且大白天的怎麼可會有鬼?〞,只見小倩驚魂未定的說:〞真的!我沒有騙您!我不但看到有鬼,我還認識其中的一位元,而且全班都認識她。
〞,老衲說:〞喔?這麼邪們?說來聽聽!〞 小倩同學吞吞口水後說道:〞這位鬼同學是我們班上的同學,但是她在三年級時家中發生一場大火,全家人葬身火窟,剛才典禮進行至一辦時,我看到一群鬼有男有女有老有少,一起走進禮堂互相追逐嘻鬧,雖然禮堂內有許多同學,但是他們卻直接穿過同學們毫無阻礙,他們一邊玩耍一邊叫著:〞小珍!小珍!快來呀!今天是你的畢業典,趕快來呀!〞,接著,我的同學小珍就來到會場了。
老衲安慰了小倩幾句,請她放心不會有甚麼事的,這時小倩心情才平靜不少,小倩臨走時又問老衲一個問題,她說:〞老師,為甚麼那些鬼都沒穿制 服呢?〞老衲笑道:〞傻瓜!其他的鬼又不是本校學生,為甚麼要穿制服 呢?〞小倩搖搖頭說:〞老師!您誤會了!我是說那些鬼為甚麼沒穿鬼的制服,就是白色的長袍,且披頭散髮的那一種啦!〞 老衲被此一問,當場愣在那不知怎樣回答她。
就在此時....,孝班的女同學小怡沖進辦公室,神色驚惶的說:〞報告老師!有鬼!話說,孝班的小怡臉色慘白神色驚慌,又聽她說看到鬼,老衲肯定她一定是看到禮堂那一票鬼朋友,老衲說道:〞不用說了!你一定是在禮堂看到小珍和其他鬼魂對不對?而且有男有女有老有少,還不斷的追逐嘻鬧對不對?〞 小怡一聽,瞪著一隻杏眼不解的問我:〞老師你怎麼全知道呀?難不成你 也有陰陽眼?〞。
雖然時值盛夏烈燄當空,老衲心中還是如深秋般的蕭瑟與酸楚,久久不能言語!!! [color=#a9a9a9>本文转载自鬼网
Introduce:Welcome everybody contribute or recommend ~ Yu Zha , in June 1992, old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk teachs city of Wu Zhu some is public is small, is worth Zuo feng4huang2 to spend Zuo , the day Xuan of the at the beginning of Zuo song, naive little boy is discharging the Zuo of Die of allusion of Jin to act, the division that old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk is 6 years of Ji holds the post of old , the exemple that depend on is gone to by Zha Yin Die , by the Die hall at school of Zuo place it is a room below Wu De, because this Zuo approachs the height of summer like that, but also does not feel Yin arrives , Zuo of allusion Die goes to half , the schoolgirl of class having goes up in the seat Zha of Fu Fu illicit, the old of Jian platoon Jin checks after, just maintain install Zuo , everybody also not the Ta that Yin must have He Ji to blame, it is probably too Ning ! But, Jian of allusion Die bundle after, the such as my gives birth to basement of complete Zuo Zuo again Zuo , feel Zuo basement is like exceptionally Zuo , I walk along Zuo fair room to want to drink saliva slowly, can be me by seat already of faithful class female with , ? The small handsome Zha of first: 〞 old ! Ye of basement there is sth fishy! Zuo of Die of ability allusion performs , have one big bill ghost is running runs! 〞 old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk answers Zha : 〞 introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad Zha ! also just has in basement little Zha 100 people, Zuo of Zuo Zuo is heavy, and of become known day how Zuo but there is sth fishy? 〞 , the Zha with uncertain mood of Zuo of Yao small handsome: 〞 is true! I did not have Zuo you! I not only see there is sth fishy, Zhu of my Zuo Zha a among them yuan, and whole class Zha Zhu she.
〞 , Zha of old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk: 〞 ? of Zuo Zuo evil? Long of Zha Long ! 〞 small handsome swallows path of Zha of after of the water that swallow a mouth with : 〞 Zuo ghost is the same as is me on class with , but she gives birth to one conflagration in the in 3 years of Ji Home , hole of fire of family person be buried, Zuo of Die of ability allusion goes to one Zuo , I see a flock of ghost have male have female have often have little, walk along Zuo of Xi of mutual angle of Zuo Die hall together, Zuo like that Die hall has Yu to be the same as more, but his wears Zuo to be the same as Dai of block of of fine long hair directly, one Zuo of his one Zuo makes have fun: 〞 small precious! Small precious! Fast ! Today is your allusion, Zuo fast ! 〞 , receive, my with small precious arrives with respect to .
"Small handsome a was over, the of curiosity of old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk: Is 〞 Na Xiaozhen is the same as very Zuo model ? Kui of 〞 small apology: The that 〞 Zuo is that of 3 years of Ji child, Zuo wears the uniform that writes this school.
"Old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk comforted small handsome sentence, Zha she is at ease not has very of Zuo thing, mood of Zuo small handsome just makes the same score Zuo many, small handsome Ning walks along old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk Zuo of one , her Zha : 〞 old , very didn't those Zuo ghost wear uniform coating? 〞 old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk laughs: 〞 is goofy! Other ghost are not this school is born, very should Zuo wear uniform coating? Zha of Zuo of of of 〞 small handsome: 〞 old ! Your Zha ! I am Zha those ghost very the uniform that Zuo did not wear ghost, it is Zuo gown of white, and wrap around Zuo comes loose that one Er of Zuo ! 〞 old patchwork vestment worn by a Buddhist monk by this one 16850