Ronald立即走到阿芬間房睇睇,見到佢坐在臺上,手指向窗口邊同Ronald講:「媽媽走嘞!媽媽唔好走呀!返來呀!」 做得Ronald老友,個個都知道佢媽媽在五年病死。
佢話:「媽媽,你又話帶埋我走?我等左你好耐,點解你要自己走左去?」 後來Ronald同我地講返。
Introduce:Ronald went Australia Zhu has 4 years, Zhu of his one Zuo big in Bai Si 2 years of Ji .
Annual in December end returns Zuo summer vacation, Zuo Zuo is buried year return Australia to rise again first.
Last week a lad gives my ground all right gets together of housekeeping of Ning Zheng Zuo , ronald Yu today second return , Yin gets younger sister to have D hm appropriate.
Ronald younger sister calls A Fen, get 10 first this year, than Ronald Ji a lot of.
My ground is the same as A Fen is ripe, all along the feeling Yin of Bi my ground is good male young Zuo , of Zhi Zhi whisperwhispering sound, Mo of Zuo of hand of gloomy of the whole day, calculate the female young of vivid of disposition.
But Zheng of Ronald place, a Fen and domestic Zhu gets Shen Mo close-lipped, ghost of boots of condole of travel road seem, look forward to of of Zuo of Zuo of intermediate the whole day fastens behind of person of house look forward to, of family person must die partly.
The A Fen of everything of daily place, hm walks along to go in house look forward to, with respect to foolish foolish sits is to comb change degree, do Ronald to be at a loss with father.
At it is my ground after of calm Zuo of class lad goes A Fen of of explore of Ronald house look forward to.
A dozen Zuo Zuo , with respect to the Long news that Long calls to A Fen big Long , house Xuan is inky, is written.
If Ronald father wants to return evening shift, house Xuan remnant A Fen's one person, be in with respect to seem night .
Ronald walks along room of A Fen Zuo to look askance instantly, Yao sits on Ning to , finger is the same as Ronald Zheng to window Zuo : " goes! hm good go! Return ! " do Ronald lad, knows is in 5 years die in one's bed.
So everybody heart Xuan has , know A Fen bumps into unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease.
My ground hm knowing Zuo is OK arrives Ronald, stay only low accompany sibling, return to make a plan again till father.
The 2nd day, sibling of of of Ronald father goes doing obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for .
Dan Afen to stay in grave of of , Zheng the Zha Yu of father and son of some of of Yin .
Yu : " , you does Yu bury me to go? My left hello be able to bear or endure, does Zuo solve you to want his to go left? " after Ronald is returned with my ground Zheng .
of of its accompanies A Fen to already had 4 years in house look forward to all the time, goes the first year by Ronald Australia Zuo only then.
of A Fen's closest the travel that blame , because already alluded A Fen to wants Zuo Zuo and make before of is early A Fen hm Zuo heart.