Introduce:Guesthouse of 60 years old of old man makes a young lady, the young lady is her daughter unexpectedly, on the spot shock, be not treated and die! See press a few days ago, have many years old of 60 one old man, shandong Jinan goes visitting the daughter that reads an university before.
Arrived Jinan, because the daughter classeses are over,time has not arrived, first occupy guesthouse.
Those who considering transient city is flourishing and street, see each sex appeal is then ripe female, how attractive, make a person crackpot …… old father can'ts help sending a boy a little mad, take guesthouse hot line, nodded a young lady.
Be less than 10 minutes, the young lady came, long very beautiful …… , desire letting a person is boundless.
Exclusive faulty is, old man sees, this young lady is the daughter that he reads in Jinan! Old father makes heart disease, on the spot shock.
When sending to the hospital, classics rescue is invalid, when leaving the world …… to be interviewed when the reporter forever, his daughter said actually so a word: "A lot of people of my classmate do this, never encounter this kind of trouble, star-crossed …… " one person is in the be frighted when thundering, bite issued him tongue! The thing that a period of ten days of ——6 the middle of a month produces.
Returned Jinan from Beijing on June 19, take a taxi to come home from the railway station, listen to taxi master to say Jinan grows clear, rain heavily there when thundering, the accident that appears to be hurt to death! Inquiry cause, driver master, saying was to do the thing with grossly unjust what probably! Saw a master worker of place yesterday, inquiry cause, the master did not say continuously.
Because of the true anything that drag in reachs place! Said the thing of that person gnawing a tongue only! The master says, thundery at that time.
Then the individual is in the home, was born to bite the tongue unripely! Its person is nice discuss dispute, buccal industry is too heavy! So, listened to thunder, one insecurity, bit the tongue with respect to oneself come down! That is killed by thunder, because time concerns, the master did not say.